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How Crawler management work in SEO ?

Managing web crawlers is essential for success in the realm of SEO. These automated bots are used by search engines, most notably Google, to examine, classify, and rank web pages—a procedure essential for obtaining prominent search result positions. It’s essential to comprehend the complexities of crawler management if you want to improve the visibility and functionality of your website. This article explores major facets of efficient crawler management, addressing tactics including URL structure optimisation, internal linking implementation, page performance optimisation, guaranteeing content freshness, and using schema markup. When these techniques are used properly, search engine crawlers can explore your website with ease, improving indexing and SEO results.

Why is crawler management important for SEO?

Crawler management plays a critical role in SEO for several reasons:

  1. Indexing Control: Web crawlers are used by search engines to find and index online pages. You may influence which pages get indexed and which are not by controlling how these crawlers interact with your website. This is significant since not every page on your website may be relevant or search engine-optimized. Crawler management makes sure that indexing of your most important material is given priority.
  2. Freshness of Content: The frequency of re-crawling and updating the search engine indexes of the pages on your website is also determined by crawlers. You may control the crawling frequency to make sure that your material is consistently current in search results. Higher search engine rankings might result from constantly updated, new material.
  3. Crawl Budget Optimization: Each website is assigned a crawl budget, which indicates the amount of pages that a crawler will fetch and index during a crawl session. Crawler management that is successful guarantees that the crawl budget is spent properly. Prioritising essential pages, increasing site performance, and removing duplicate material can all help you get the most out of your crawl budget.
  4. Avoiding Duplicate Content: Crawler control helps in the prevention of duplicate content concerns. Duplicate material may be penalised by search engines since it might confuse search engine algorithms and negatively impact user experience. Proper management approaches, such as the use of canonical tags and robots.txt files, can aid in the prevention of these problems.
  5. Site Structure and Navigation: Crawler management that is effective fosters smart site layout and navigation. Crawlers locate and index material more easily when site architectures are clear and logical. As a result, user experience and SEO performance increase.
  6. Security and Privacy: Managing crawlers can also assist to improve your website’s security and privacy. You may prevent sensitive or secret material from being indexed and shown in search results by blocking access to specific areas of your site through a robots.txt file.

Efficient Strategies for Crawler Management to Improve SEO Rankings

1. Ask Google to Recrawl Your URLs

Recrawling is the process by which Googlebot revisits and reindexes your web pages. To request a recrawl:

  1. Google Search Console: Use the Google Search Console’s “URL Inspection” tool to submit specific URLs for recrawl. This is particularly useful for updated or new content.
  2. XML Sitemaps: Ensure your XML sitemaps are up to date and submit them to Google Search Console. This helps Google discover new or changed pages more efficiently.
  3. Robots.txt: Ensure that your website’s robots.txt file does not block important pages or sections from being crawled and indexed.

2. Reduce the Googlebot Crawl Rate

There are steps that may be made to change the crawl pace if Googlebot is causing performance problems on a website because it is crawling too frequently. To establish the required crawl rate for their site and match it with their server’s capability, website admins can use the “Crawl Rate Settings” in Google Search Console, which is one efficient technique. Another strategy is to use the robots.txt file’s “crawl-delay” directive, which tells search engine robots like Googlebot to slow down their crawling operations. Website owners may achieve a balance that guarantees proper indexing by search engines while keeping optimal website performance by putting these ideas into practise.

3. Verifying Googlebot and Other Crawlers

Verifying the authenticity of Googlebot and other crawlers is crucial to prevent malicious activities. Use the following techniques:

  1. Reverse DNS Lookup: Perform a reverse DNS lookup on incoming requests to verify if they originate from legitimate search engine IPs.
  2. User-Agent String: Cross-check the User-Agent string in the request header to ensure it matches known user-agents for search engine crawlers.
  3. Google’s Official Documentation: Refer to Google’s official documentation on verifying Googlebot and other user-agents to stay up to date with their latest recommendations.

4. Large Site Owner’s Guide to Managing Your Crawl Budget

A key component of making sure Google efficiently scans larger websites with plenty of material is managing the crawl budget. Prioritising significant pages is crucial for doing this, and resources like Google Search Console may help in locating and ranking these vital pages for crawling. In order to maximise the use of the crawl budget, eliminating duplicate content is also a crucial tactic. Canonical tags and URL parameters both assist in the consolidation of extraneous content. Furthermore, site performance is crucial since pages that load more quickly tend to get crawled more frequently. As a consequence, improving your website’s performance is advantageous for both user experience and increasing its exposure in search engine results. Website owners may properly manage their crawl budget and make sure their material is completely indexed by Google by putting these ideas into practise.

5. How HTTP Status Codes and Network/DNS Errors Affect Google Search

Googlebot’s capacity to crawl your website can be greatly impacted by HTTP status codes and network/DNS errors:

  1. 2xx Status Codes: These indicate success and are generally good for SEO, as they signify that pages are accessible.
  2. 4xx Status Codes: These indicate client errors (e.g., 404 for not found). Regularly check for broken links and fix them to avoid negative SEO consequences.
  3. 5xx Status Codes: These indicate server errors (e.g., 500 for internal server error). Ensure your server is stable and responsive to prevent prolonged crawl issues.
  4. Network and DNS Errors: If Googlebot encounters network or DNS errors when crawling your site, it may affect indexing. Monitor your server’s health and DNS configurations to minimize these errors.

6. URL Structure Optimization

One way to manage web crawlers effectively is through URL structure optimization. This involves creating clean, logical, and organized URLs for your web pages. When your URLs are well-structured, it becomes easier for search engine crawlers to understand the content and hierarchy of your site. A clear URL structure can improve the user experience as well, which indirectly affects your SEO. In essence, you’re making it simpler for both search engines and users to navigate your website.

Example: Consider a news website that organizes articles into categories. Instead of having a messy URL like “,” it’s better to structure it as “”

7. Optimizing Internal Linking

Internal linking is a fundamental aspect of crawler management. By strategically linking your pages within your website, you can guide crawlers to the most important and relevant content. This makes sure that your crucial pages are often crawled and indexed. Additionally, internal linking can enhance user experience by providing pathways to related content, keeping visitors engaged and exploring your site further.

Example: An e-commerce website can use internal links to connect product pages with category pages, making it easier for crawlers to discover and index the entire product catalog.

8. Managing Page Speed

Page speed directly influences how quickly search engine crawlers can navigate your site. Slow-loading pages can hinder crawling efficiency, leading to incomplete indexing and potential ranking issues. Therefore, optimizing your website for speed is crucial. Compress images, use content delivery networks (CDNs), and minimize HTTP requests to ensure faster load times. This not only aids crawlers but also improves user satisfaction.

Example: An online news portal can enhance page speed by implementing lazy loading for images, reducing the initial load time and facilitating quicker crawler navigation.

9. Content Freshness and Updating

Regularly updating your website’s content is another way to attract and engage crawlers. Fresh content is a signal to search engines that your site is active and relevant. When search engines notice that your content is up-to-date, they may crawl your site more frequently, leading to quicker indexing and potential SEO benefits.

Example: A blog on health and wellness can maintain its relevance by regularly adding new articles or updating existing ones with the latest information and research findings.

10. Schema Markup Implementation

Schema markup, also known as structured data, provides a standardized way to offer specific information about your web content to search engines. By implementing schema markup, you can provide additional context and details to crawlers, making it easier for them to understand the content and display rich results in search listings.

Example: A local restaurant can use schema markup to provide details like its name, address, opening hours, and customer reviews, allowing search engines to present this information prominently in search results.

11. Using Flat or SILO website architecture and avoiding “orphan pages”

Using Flat or SILO website structure makes Google and also users more friendly to find topics from Main Topic. In fact, Google says, “Popularity: URLs that are more popular on the Internet tend to be crawled more often to keep them fresher in our index.”

In the style of Google, More Popular = link authority.

Technically, A flat architecture sets things up so that some link juice flows to all sub and mini pages of your site from the one main page link.

On the other hand, we have to make sure, we have almost zero orphan pages, which are called, pages that have no external link or internal link point. Most probably, the pages are are out of the main site topic, if you prioritize of page. Google has a really hard time finding these types of orphaned pages. So, Make sure you have at least one internal or external link pointing to every page on your site.


Effective crawler management is essential for SEO success. By requesting recrawls, adjusting crawl rates, verifying crawlers, optimizing crawl budgets, and addressing HTTP status codes and network/DNS errors, you can ensure that your website is effectively indexed and visible in Google Search results. Stay proactive in managing your website’s interactions with search engine crawlers to maximize your online presence and enhance your SEO efforts.

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