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How can one become good at Data structures and Algorithms easily?

Let us first clarify the question. There is not any easy way to become good at anything but there is an efficient way to do everything. 

Let us try to understand the difference between easy and efficient here with the help of a programming question! Consider the problem of “Searching an element in a sorted array“. 

So, person A here solved the problem in an easy way yet Person B solved the problem in an efficient way

Now, the efficient way of learning Data Structures and Algorithms depends on a several factors: 

  1. Your prior knowledge of programming languages and basic DS and Algos.
  2. The purpose for which you want to learn it.
  3. The resources available to you.
  4. A perfect guide!

Let us now take a deeper look at each of the points highlighted above: 

Solution to the above problems: At GeeksforGeeks, we already have a vast collection of tutorials and problems based on Data Structures and Algorithms written by some good competitive programmers around the globe. We also have many past, running and upcoming courses on Data Structures and Algorithms which can be found on GeeksforGeeks-Courses

If you are preparing for Interviews, we recommend you to go through the following links: 

If you are an aspiring Competitive Programmer, visiting below links is a must: 

DSA – Self Paced Course

Whether you want to ace a technical interview or may be ready to level up your programming skills in advanced concepts of data structure and algorithms like sorting, strings, trees, etc. Reason can be anything, but if you are looking for a course that focuses on core fundamentals, then this is the course for you. With this DSA self-paced course, master all important concepts of dsa and its algorithmic techniques to help you prepare for SDE interviews with tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe and more. Enrol now!


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