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Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Our Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter tool allows you to convert hexadecimal numbers to their decimal equivalents.

How to Use Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Here is a step-by-step process of using this hexa-to-deci converter:

Step 1: Enter a hexadecimal number in the box below. You can use the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F (representing 10-15).

Step 2: Click the “Convert” button.

Step 3: The equivalent decimal value will be displayed below the box.

Example: Convert the hexadecimal number 3B to decimal.

3 x 16^1 (3 * 16) = 48
B x 16^0 (11 * 1) = 11
48 + 11 = 59
Therefore, 3B (hex) is equal to 59 (decimal).

What is Hexadecimal?

Hexadecimal, or hex, is a base-16 numerical system using digits 0-9 and letters A-F to represent values 10-15. Widely used in computing, it provides a concise representation of binary data and simplifies tasks such as memory addressing color representation, and programming.

What is a Decimal Number?

A decimal number is a numerical value expressed in the base-10 system, using digits 0 to 9. It represents quantities in everyday mathematics and is widely used in commerce, finance, and everyday calculations, with each digit’s position representing a power of 10.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion with Steps

As we know, Hexadecimal numbers use base-16, while decimal numbers use base-10.

let’s understand how to convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number with an example.

Step 1: Understand the Hexadecimal System The hexadecimal system is a base-16 number system. It uses sixteen distinct symbols: 0-9 to represent values zero to nine, and A-F (or alternatively a-f) to represent values ten to fifteen.

Step 2: Assign Each Digit a Decimal Value Assign each digit in the hexadecimal number a decimal value. For example, in the hexadecimal number 2A32 is in the hundreds place, A (which represents 10 in decimal) is in the tens place, and 3 is in the ones place.

Step 3: Multiply Each Digit by 16 to the Power of its Position Starting from the right (the ones place), multiply each digit by 16 to the power of its position. The position is zero-indexed, so the rightmost digit is in position 0, the next digit to the left is in position 1, and so on.

Step 4: Add the Results Add up all the results from step 3 to get the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number.

Example: Hexadecimal number: 3A7B

3 * 16^3 + A(10) * 16^2 + 7 * 16^1 + B(11) * 16^0
= 3 * 4096 + 10 * 256 + 7 * 16 + 11 * 1
= 12288 + 2560 + 112 + 11
= 15071
So, the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal 3A7B is 15071.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter – FAQs

What is a Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter? 

Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter is a tool that converts numbers from the hexadecimal (base 16) system to the decimal (base 10) system.

How does a Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter work? 

The converter works by assigning each digit in the hexadecimal number a decimal value, then multiplying each digit by 16 to the power of its position, and finally adding up all the results to get the decimal equivalent.

Can I convert a decimal number to hexadecimal using this converter? 

While a Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter is specifically designed to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal, many converters also offer the functionality to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal.

What are the steps to convert a hexadecimal number to decimal? 

The steps involve assigning each digit a decimal value, multiplying each digit by 16 to the power of its position, and adding the results.

Can the Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter handle large numbers? 

Yes, most Hexadecimal to Decimal Converters can handle large numbers, but the exact limit may depend on the specific tool.

Is it free to use a Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter? 

Yes, most online Hexadecimal to Decimal Converters are free to use.

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