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Google Drive Introduces File Categories For Easy Organisation

Recently, Google Drive released a big update to simplify file organizing for its customers. This improvement is made possible by the addition of 12 new pre-defined categories, which allow more organized and effective file administration. This new addition aims to simplify file organization and make information retrieval easy.

In short:

  • Google Drive rolls out a new feature called “Categories” to simplify file management.
  • Users can categorize files under 12 predefined labels like “Banking,” “Expenses,” and “Work.”
  • This functionality transcends traditional folders, allowing a single file to belong to multiple categories for easier retrieval.

Google Drive’s New Categories

Google Drive provides twelve pre-defined categories to assist you in classifying your files. Here’s a quick rundown:

How Do Google Drive’s New Categories Work?

The “Categories” feature departs from the traditional folder structure. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:

Benefits of Using Categories in Google Drive

The “Categories” feature offers several advantages for users:

Steps to Use Categories in Google Drive

Here’s how to use it:

Step 1: Locate the File

Go to the file you want to categorize within Google Drive.

Step 2: Right-Click or Tap the Menu

Right-click on the file (desktop) or tap the three vertical dots next to the file (Android) to access the menu.

Step 3: Select “Manage categories”

From the menu options, choose “Manage categories.”

Step 4: Assign Categories

A list of the twelve predefined categories will appear. Select the relevant category or categories that apply to the file.

Step 5: Save and View

Click “Save” or tap the back arrow to confirm your selections. You can now view the categorized file by selecting the desired category from the “Categories” section on the Drive homepage.

The “Categories” feature is currently available on the Google Drive Android app and web interface.

How Do Categories Differ from Labels in Google Drive?

While both categories and labels serve organizational purposes, there are key distinctions:


The introduction of “Categories” marks a significant step forward for Google Drive’s file management capabilities. By offering a more intuitive and flexible way to organize files, this feature empowers users to streamline their workflow and locate information effortlessly. As Google continues to refine Drive’s functionalities, we can expect even more innovative tools for a truly user-friendly file management experience.

Google Drive’s New File Categories – FAQ’s

How do you organize files in Google Drive?

You can use folders and now Google Drive’s new “Categories” feature for broader organization. 

Can I create my own categories?

No, currently Google Drive offers 12 predefined categories. Custom categories might be a future option.

Is the “Categories” feature available on all devices?

As of now, “Categories” is on Android and desktop Google Drive. iOS support is expected.

Can you organize Google Drive folders?

Yes, folders are still a core way to organize files within Drive, but categories provide an additional layer for broader classification.

Is the “Categories” feature free to use?

Yes, Google Drive’s “Categories” feature is included in the free and paid versions of Google Drive.

How many folders can you have on Google Drive?

Google Drive doesn’t have a specific limit on folders, but for optimal performance, Google recommends keeping the number of files and folders manageable. 

Is the “Categories” feature safe?

Yes, Google Drive uses robust security measures to protect your files. As with any online storage, it’s important to follow Google’s security best practices for your account. 

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