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Getting String Representation of the given Date and Time Object in R Programming – strftime() Function

strftime() function in R Language is used to convert the given date and time objects to their string representation.

Syntax: strftime(time) 
time: specified time object

Example 1: 

# R program to illustrate
# strftime function
# Specifying a date and time
x <- "2020-06-01 16:15:10 EST"
# Calling strftime() function


[1] "2020-06-01 16:15:10"

Example 2: 

# R program to illustrate
# strftime function
# Specifying a date and time using
# as.Date( ) function which converts
# the character data to dates.
x <- as.Date("2020-06-17 12:10:20 EST")
# Calling the strftime() function using the % F format
# which is equivalent to % Y-% m-% d (the ISO 8601 date format)
y <- strftime(x, '% F')
# Getting string representation of
# the given date and time object


[1] "2020-06-17"


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