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Geeks For Geeks Internship Experience as an Android Developer


“A successful person can teach you how to succeed,
but A failure can Teach you how not to fail and get Success

Today, I’m sharing with you my candid experience interviewing for the Android Developer Intern position at Geeks For Geeks. Within these lines, I’ve encapsulated every detail—what to do, what not to do, and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

I hope that this narrative serves as a beacon of guidance and insight for those embarking on their journey into the world of tech internships.

The Application Process

Interview Experience

Reflection on Outcome

These were some points which causes my rejection.

Lesson Learned And Tips :


Reflecting on my interview journey for the Android Developer Intern position at Geeks For Geeks, I urge thorough preparation, genuine confidence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Let this narrative serve as a beacon of guidance for those navigating the dynamic world of tech internships.

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