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GATE | Quiz for Sudo GATE 2021 | Question 24

Consider the following graph:

If the imports of the company X in 2007 were increased by 100% then

Note – This question is multiple select questions (MSQ).
(A) 0.625 would be the ratio of exports to the incremented imports
(B) 5/4 would be the ratio of exports to the incremented imports
(C) New import would be 8
(D) New import would be 9

Answer: (A) (C)
Explanation: As per given information:
Exports/Imports in 2007 = 1.25 = 5/4
After 100% increase in import
Import = 4 * 200/100 = 8
Now Exports/Imports = 5/8 = 0.625.

So, option (A) and (C) are correct.

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