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FROM_UNIXTIME() function in MySQL

This function in MySQL helps to return date /DateTime representation of a Unix timestamp. The format of returning value will be ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ or ‘YYYYMMDDHHMMSS’, depending on the context of the function.

Syntax :

FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp, format)

Parameters :
The function can accept two arguments as follows.

Result :
The function will return date /DateTime representation of a Unix timestamp. And the format of returning value will be ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ or ‘YYYYMMDDHHMMSS’, depending on the context of the function.

Example-1 :
Working of FROM_UNIXTIME() function with one parameter.

AS Unix;

Output :


1988-12-29 22:20:00

Example-2 :
Working of FROM_UNIXTIME() function with fractional seconds.

SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(599462445.99999) 
AS Unix;

Output :


1988-12-29 22:20:45.99999

Example-3 :
Working of FROM_UNIXTIME() function when both parameters are passed.

Example-4 :
Working of FROM_UNIXTIME() function in Numeric context.

FROM_UNIXTIME(846562400) As 'String_form',
FROM_UNIXTIME(846562400) + 1 As 'Numeric_form';

Output :

String_form Numeric_form
1996-10-28 21:13:20 19961028211321
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