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Fonts in LaTeX

There are many types of font families and sizes. Our keyboard does not contain Different Fonts, so we use Latex Code to write them. Fonts and their Latex Code :
1. Blackboard bold \mathbb{blackboard-bold}
2. Boldface \mathbf{BOLD-FACE}
3. Italics \mathit{ITALICS}
4. Boldfaced italics \pmb{BOLDFACED ITALICS}
5. Typewriter \mathtt{TYPEWRITER}
6. Roman font \mathrm{ROMAN FONT}
7. Sans-serif font \mathsf{SANS-SERIF-FONT}
8. Calligraphic Letters \mathbf{CALLIGRAPHIC-LETTERS}
9. Script letters \mathscr{SCRIPT-LETTERS}
10. Old German style letters \mathfrak{old-German-style-letters}
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