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Flipkart Interview Questions

Embark on a journey through Flipkart interview questions, and discover insights about this well-known e-commerce giant headquartered in Bangalore, India. Since its establishment, Flipkart has been a pioneer in the online retail sector, providing a diverse array of products and services. Specializing in e-commerce, Flipkart has strategically positioned itself as a leading player in the market, with a commitment to delivering innovative solutions and services to its customers. With a presence in various locations, Flipkart stands as a symbol of excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of online shopping.

Flipkart Interview Questions

Securing a desired position at Flipkart requires not just having excellent technical skills but also knowing how to handle their particular interview procedure. This post dives deeply into the world of technical interviews at Flipkart, offering you insider knowledge and insights on the kinds of questions you might be asked.

Flipkart Interview Question on DSA



Circular tour Solve
Distribute Candy Solve
Min Cost Path  Solve 
Merge K-Sorted Lists  Solve 
First Non-Repeating Character in a Stream of Characters  Solve 
Meeting Rooms  Solve 
Pair With Given Difference  Solve 
Spiral Order Matrix  Solve 
Peak element  Solve 
Allocate a Minimum Number of Pages  Solve 
Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree  Solve 
K largest elements  Solve 
Complete Binary Tree  Solve 
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Solve 
Combination Sum  Solve 
Check for BST Solve 
Swap Nodes in Pairs  Solve 
Find All Triplets With Zero Sum  Solve 
Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s Solve 
Merge Intervals Solve
Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray  Solve 
Tiling Problem  Solve
Gold mine problem  Solve 
Alien Dictionary  Solve 
Merge Two Binary Trees  Solve 
First non repeating character  Solve 
Length of the longest substring  Solve 
Palindrome Partitioning  Solve 
Count Ways To Reach The N-th Stairs  Solve 
Rotting Oranges  Solve
Path In A Tree  Solve 
Minimum Sprinklers  Solve 
Max Submatrix  Solve 
Missing and repeating numbers  Solve 
Vertical Order Traversal  Solve 
String Palindrome  Solve 
Search In Rotated Sorted Array  Solve 
Sorted Linked List to BST  Solve 
BFS in Graph Solve 
Number of Islands  Solve
Trapping Rain Water  Solve 
Kth smallest element in an unsorted array  Solve 
Middle Of Linked List  Solve 
Pythagorean Triplets  Solve 
Implement a phone directory  Solve 
Sum root to leaf  Solve 
0 1 Knapsack  Solve 
Word Search  Solve
Box Stacking  Solve 
Snake and Ladder  Solve
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock  Solve 
Clone a Linked List with next and Random Pointer  Solve 
Burning Tree  Solve 
Palindrome Pairs  Solve 
Trie (Insert and Search)  Solve 
Flattening a Linked List  Solve 
Union of Two Linked Lists  Solve 
Tower Of Hanoi  Solve 
Activity Selection Solve 
Allocate Books  Solve 

Flipkart Interview Question on OS

An operating system functions as a form of system software that oversees all computer resources. It serves as a mediator between software and the various hardware components of a computer, providing an interface for seamless interaction.

Flipkart Interview Question on Computer Networks

In a comparable manner for computer networks (CN), network operating systems play a crucial role. These systems effectively manage and coordinate communication and resource sharing among different devices within a network. Serving as an intermediary between the network’s software applications and its hardware components, network operating systems facilitate smooth interaction and data exchange.

Flipkart Interview Question on DBMS

In the context of Database Management Systems (DBMS), these systems assume a vital role. DBMS efficiently administers and organizes data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. Acting as an intermediary between database applications and the underlying hardware, DBMS provides a seamless interface for managing and interacting with data in databases.

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