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Flipkart Interview Experience for UI Engineer I

Hi everyone, Hope everything is fine. Today I’m going to share my Flipkart Interview experience for the role of UI Engineer I. So without further ado let’s get started. 

Online Application: I got referred by one of my colleagues for the position of UI Engineer I. 

Round 1(Machine Coding): The interviewer gave me a problem statement that laid out the key points that needs to be solved. 

Since the role is for UI Engineer position the requirement was to create a frontend system having below features

Left side of UI

Right side of UI

Round 2(Coding Round): There were 3 coding questions given. They are as follows:-

  1. Given a sorted array of N elements and an element K. Find the frequency of element K in the array. 
    Discussed on edge cases like 
    • If the element K is not present in the array
    • If the array is null or empty
  2. Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum. The path may start and end at any node in the tree. 
    Discussed on edge cases like 
    • If binary tree is empty or null
    • If all nodes in tree contains negative values only.
  3. Given an array of N elements and an integer X, find 3 elements in the array whose sum is closest to given element X 
    Discussed on edge cases like 
    • If input array is empty or null
    • If input array contains less than 3 numbers or no such triplet exists in the array
    • If there are multiple triplets in the array. (Interviewer confirmed to print any one triplet)

Round 3(UI Tech Round): This round was purely based on UI concepts related to HTML, CSS & JS

Few questions that I could recall are as follows:-

  1. const word = ‘hello’ 
    word[1] = ‘m’
  2. console.log(a) 
    const a = 1; 
    There were follow up questions based on var & let
  3. Currying and hoisting in javascript
  4. Difference between Typescript & Javascript
  5. Explain the entire process (what actually happens in backend) starting from sending request from client to server and then back to client.
  6. <body><script src=”index.js”/><div></div></body> 
    What will happen to DOM tree if some issue happens in script tag?
  7. <div class=”blue red”></div> <div class=”red blue”></div> 
    .blue {background-color: blue;} 
    .red {background-color: red;} 
    What will be the background color of both the divs?
  8. Explain promise chaining in javascript?
  9. How does javascript figures out that a promise is resolved?

Round 4(Hiring Manager Round): It was totally based on behavioral aspects and Flipkart culture fit. Some of the questions that I could recall are as follows:

  1. Why you want to join Flipkart? What makes you interested in this job?
  2. Any role model you want to emulate?
  3. Discussion on current company project
  4. How would you ensure that defects are minimized or minimal possible upon release in production?
  5. What are the different aspects you would look upon when you join a new job?
  6. What motivates you the most at work?

Thanks. That’s all I could recollect. I hope it would surely help you in preparation for your next coding interview. Till then happy learning and take care. 

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