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Flatten a list of DataFrames

In this article, we are going to see how to flatten a list of DataFrames. Flattening is defined as Converting or Changing data format to a narrow format. The advantage of the flattened list is Increases the computing speed and Good understanding of data.


Let consider, the data frame that contains values like payments in four months. Actually, the data is stored in a list format.

Note: 0,1,2 are the indices of the records   

Flattening means assigning lists separately for each author.

We are going to perform flatten operations on the list using data frames.

Method 1:

Step 1: Create a simple data frame.

#importing pandas module
import pandas as pd
#creating dataframe with 2 columns
df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[[ 300, 400, 500, 600], 'sravan_payment'], 
                        [[ 300, 322, 333, 233], 'bobby_payment']], 
                  index=[ 0, 1], columns=[ 'A', 'B'])


Step 2: iterate each row with a specific column.

flatdata = pd.DataFrame([( index, value) for ( index, values)
                         in df[ 'A' ].iteritems() for value in values],
                             columns = [ 'index', 'A']).set_index( 'index' )
df = df.drop( 'A', axis = 1 ).join( flatdata )


Methods 2: Using the flatten methods.

We are going to apply the flatten function for the above code.

#importing pandas module for dataframe.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[[ 300, 400, 500, 600], 'sravan_payment'], 
                        [[ 300, 322, 333, 233], 'bobby_payment']], 
                  index = [ 0, 1], columns = [ 'A', 'B'])




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