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Find whether it is possible to make array elements same using one external number | Set 2

Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and following are the three operations that can be performed using any external number X:

  1. Add X to an array element once.
  2. Subtract X from an array element once.
  3. Perform no operation on the array element.

The task is to check whether there exists a number X, such that if the above operations are performed with the number X, the array elements become equal. If the number exists, print “Yes” and the value of X. Otherwise, print “No”.


Input: arr[] = {2, 3, 3, 4, 2}
Output: Yes 1
Consider the value of X as 1 and increment the array element arr[0](= 2) and arr[4](= 2) by 1, and decrement arr[3](= 4) by 1 modifies the array to {3, 3, 3, 3, 3}.
Therefore, print Yes with the value X as 1.

Input: arr[] = {4, 3, 2, 1}
Output: No

Approach: The given problem can be solved based on the following observations:

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find whether it is possible
// to make array elements equal using
// one external number
void isPossMakeThemEqual(int arr[],
                         int N)
    int X = -1;
    int Y = -1;
    int Z = -1;
    // Traverse the array arr[]
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If X is equal to -1
        if (X == -1) {
            // Update the value of X
            X = arr[i];
        // Otherwise, if X is not
        // equal to arr[i]
        else if (X != arr[i]) {
            // If Y is equal to -1
            if (Y == -1) {
                // Update Y
                Y = arr[i];
            // Otherwise, if Y is not
            // equal to arr[i]
            else if (Y != arr[i]) {
                // If  Z is equal to -1
                if (Z == -1) {
                    // Update the value
                    // of Z
                    Z = arr[i];
                // Otherwise If Z is not
                // equal to arr[i], then
                // there are at least four
                // distinct numbers in array
                else if (Z != arr[i]) {
                    cout << "NO";
    // If Y is equal to -1, then all
    // the array elements are equal
    if (Y == -1) {
        cout << "YES 0";
    // If Z is equal to -1, then there
    // are only two distinct elements
    if (Z == -1) {
        cout << "YES " << abs(X - Y);
    int a = X, b = Y, c = Z;
    X = min(a, min(b, c));
    Z = max(a, max(b, c));
    Y = a + b + c - X - Z;
    // If Y - X is not equal to Z - Y
    if (Y - X != Z - Y) {
        cout << "NO";
    // Finally print "Yes"
    cout << "Yes " << (Y - X);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N);
    return 0;

// Java program for the above approach
class GFG {
  // Function to find whether it is possible
  // to make array elements equal using
  // one external number
  static void isPossMakeThemEqual(int arr[],
                                  int N)
    int X = -1;
    int Y = -1;
    int Z = -1;
    // Traverse the array arr[]
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      // If X is equal to -1
      if (X == -1) {
        // Update the value of X
        X = arr[i];
      // Otherwise, if X is not
      // equal to arr[i]
      else if (X != arr[i]) {
        // If Y is equal to -1
        if (Y == -1)
          // Update Y
          Y = arr[i];
        // Otherwise, if Y is not
        // equal to arr[i]
        else if (Y != arr[i]) {
          // If  Z is equal to -1
          if (Z == -1) {
            // Update the value
            // of Z
            Z = arr[i];
          // Otherwise If Z is not
          // equal to arr[i], then
          // there are at least four
          // distinct numbers in array
          else if (Z != arr[i]) {
    // If Y is equal to -1, then all
    // the array elements are equal
    if (Y == -1) {
      System.out.println("YES 0");
    // If Z is equal to -1, then there
    // are only two distinct elements
    if (Z == -1) {
      System.out.println("YES "+ Math.abs(X - Y));
    int a = X, b = Y, c = Z;
    X = Math.min(a, Math.min(b, c));
    Z = Math.max(a, Math.max(b, c));
    Y = a + b + c - X - Z;
    // If Y - X is not equal to Z - Y
    if (Y - X != Z - Y) {
    // Finally print "Yes"
    System.out.println("Yes "+(Y - X));
  // Driver Code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 };
    int N =arr.length;
    isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh

# Python 3 program for the above approach
# Function to find whether it is possible
# to make array elements equal using
# one external number
def isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N):
    X = -1
    Y = -1
    Z = -1
    # Traverse the array arr[]
    for i in range(N):
        # If X is equal to -1
        if (X == -1):
            # Update the value of X
            X = arr[i]
        # Otherwise, if X is not
        # equal to arr[i]
        elif (X != arr[i]):
            # If Y is equal to -1
            if (Y == -1):
                # Update Y
                Y = arr[i]
            # Otherwise, if Y is not
            # equal to arr[i]
            elif (Y != arr[i]):
                # If  Z is equal to -1
                if (Z == -1):
                    # Update the value
                    # of Z
                    Z = arr[i]
                # Otherwise If Z is not
                # equal to arr[i], then
                # there are at least four
                # distinct numbers in array
                elif (Z != arr[i]):
    # If Y is equal to -1, then all
    # the array elements are equal
    if (Y == -1):
        print("YES 0")
    # If Z is equal to -1, then there
    # are only two distinct elements
    if (Z == -1):
        print("YES ",abs(X - Y))
    a = X
    b = Y
    c = Z
    X = min(a, min(b, c))
    Z = max(a, max(b, c))
    Y = a + b + c - X - Z
    # If Y - X is not equal to Z - Y
    if (Y - X != Z - Y):
    # Finally print "Yes"
    print("Yes ",(Y - X))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = [2, 3, 3, 4, 2]
    N = len(arr)
    isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N)
    # This code is contributed by bgangwar59.

// C# program for above approach
using System;
class GFG{
  // Function to find whether it is possible
  // to make array elements equal using
  // one external number
  static void isPossMakeThemEqual(int[] arr,
                                  int N)
    int X = -1;
    int Y = -1;
    int Z = -1;
    // Traverse the array arr[]
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      // If X is equal to -1
      if (X == -1) {
        // Update the value of X
        X = arr[i];
      // Otherwise, if X is not
      // equal to arr[i]
      else if (X != arr[i]) {
        // If Y is equal to -1
        if (Y == -1)
          // Update Y
          Y = arr[i];
        // Otherwise, if Y is not
        // equal to arr[i]
        else if (Y != arr[i]) {
          // If  Z is equal to -1
          if (Z == -1) {
            // Update the value
            // of Z
            Z = arr[i];
          // Otherwise If Z is not
          // equal to arr[i], then
          // there are at least four
          // distinct numbers in array
          else if (Z != arr[i]) {
    // If Y is equal to -1, then all
    // the array elements are equal
    if (Y == -1) {
      Console.Write("YES 0");
    // If Z is equal to -1, then there
    // are only two distinct elements
    if (Z == -1) {
      Console.Write("YES "+ Math.Abs(X - Y));
    int a = X, b = Y, c = Z;
    X = Math.Min(a, Math.Min(b, c));
    Z = Math.Max(a, Math.Max(b, c));
    Y = a + b + c - X - Z;
    // If Y - X is not equal to Z - Y
    if (Y - X != Z - Y) {
    // Finally print "Yes"
    Console.Write("Yes "+(Y - X));
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int[] arr = { 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 };
    int N =arr.Length;
    isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by mukesh07.

    // JavaScript Program for the above approach
  // Function to find whether it is possible
  // to make array elements equal using
  // one external number
  function isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N)
    let X = -1;
    let Y = -1;
    let Z = -1;
    // Traverse the array arr[]
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      // If X is equal to -1
      if (X == -1) {
        // Update the value of X
        X = arr[i];
      // Otherwise, if X is not
      // equal to arr[i]
      else if (X != arr[i]) {
        // If Y is equal to -1
        if (Y == -1)
          // Update Y
          Y = arr[i];
        // Otherwise, if Y is not
        // equal to arr[i]
        else if (Y != arr[i]) {
          // If  Z is equal to -1
          if (Z == -1) {
            // Update the value
            // of Z
            Z = arr[i];
          // Otherwise If Z is not
          // equal to arr[i], then
          // there are at least four
          // distinct numbers in array
          else if (Z != arr[i]) {
    // If Y is equal to -1, then all
    // the array elements are equal
    if (Y == -1) {
      document.write("YES 0");
    // If Z is equal to -1, then there
    // are only two distinct elements
    if (Z == -1) {
      document.write("YES "+ Math.abs(X - Y));
    let a = X, b = Y, c = Z;
    X = Math.min(a, Math.min(b, c));
    Z = Math.max(a, Math.max(b, c));
    Y = a + b + c - X - Z;
    // If Y - X is not equal to Z - Y
    if (Y - X != Z - Y) {
    // Finally print "Yes"
    document.write("Yes "+(Y - X));
    // Driver Code
    let arr = [ 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 ];
    let N =arr.length;
    isPossMakeThemEqual(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.

Yes 1


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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