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Find operations for Array Divisibility by Power of 2

Given an array of size n, the task is to find the minimum number of operations required in the array such that the product of all array elements is divisible by nth power of 2. In one operation, you can select any index i and multiply ai by i, you can perform an operation on a particular index at most 1 time. (Follow 1-based indexing)


Input: arr[] = { 10, 6, 11 }
Output: 1
Explanation: We can apply operation at index 2.

Input: arr[] = {13, 17, 1, 1 }
Output: -1
Explanation: We can not make the product such that divisible by 2n

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

We will apply operation till the product of the array is not divisible by 2n and apply operation on that index first which give us maximum 2s.


Lets take an example :  arr[] = { 6, 1, 5, 1 }

  • The product of the array is 30 which is not divisible by 24 here n=4
  • We will apply an operation on index 4 because index 4 gives us maximum 2s than index 1, 2, 3. Then the product of the array becomes 120 which is not divisible by 24
  • Then, we will apply an operation on index 2, because index 4 is already operated and index 2 gives a maximum 2 than index 1 and 3.
  • Then, the product of the array becomes 240 which is divisible by 24.
  • In total, it requires 2 operations to make the product of the array such that it is divisible by 2n.

Below are the steps for the above approach:

Below is the code for the above approach:

// C++ code for the above approach:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum operation
// required, such that the product of
// array is divisible by n-th power of 2
int divisibleby(int* arr, int n)
    int count2 = 0, temp2 = 0, oper = 0;
    bool flag = false;
    vector<int> v;
    // Finding how many 2s are present
    // in the array initially
    // by iterating the whole array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Till arr[i] is divisible by 2
        while (arr[i] % 2 == 0) {
            // Add +1 to count2
            count2 += 1;
            // Divide arr[i] by 2
            arr[i] = arr[i] / 2;
    // Finding how many 2s are we can get
    // by performing n operations
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        int temp = i;
        // Till i is divisible by 2
        while (temp % 2 == 0) {
            // Add +1 to temp2
            temp2 += 1;
            // Divide i by 2
            temp = temp / 2;
        // Inserting in vector how many 2s
        // are present in index i
        if (temp2 > 0) {
        temp2 = 0;
    // Sort the vector in decreasing order,
    // because we need maximum 2s by
    // performing minimum operations
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());
    // Iterating the vector of how many
    // 2s are present at particular index
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        // After performing some operation
        //, product of
        // the array is divisible by 2^n
        if (count2 >= n) {
            flag = true;
        // perform operation & add 2s
        // present at that index
        else {
            count2 += v[i];
            oper += 1;
    // If product if array is
    // divisible by 2^n
    if (flag || count2 >= n) {
        // Then return operation
        // required
        return oper;
    // If product of array is not
    // divisible by 2^n Then return -1
    return -1;
// Drivers code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 10, 6, 11 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);
    // Function call
    cout << divisibleby(arr, n);
    return 0;

import java.util.*;
public class Main
  // Function to find the minimum operation
  // required, such that the product of
  // array is divisible by n-th power of 2
  static int divisibleby(int[] arr, int n) {
    int count2 = 0, temp2 = 0, oper = 0;
    boolean flag = false;
    List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<>();
    // Finding how many 2s are present
    // in the array initially
    // by iterating the whole array
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      // Till arr[i] is divisible by 2
      while (arr[i] % 2 == 0) {
        // Add +1 to count2
        count2 += 1;
        // Divide arr[i] by 2
        arr[i] = arr[i] / 2;
    // Finding how many 2s are we can get
    // by performing n operations
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      int temp = i;
      // Till i is divisible by 2
      while (temp % 2 == 0) {
        // Add +1 to temp2
        temp2 += 1;
        // Divide i by 2
        temp = temp / 2;
      // Inserting in vector how many 2s
      // are present in index i
      if (temp2 > 0) {
      temp2 = 0;
    // Sort the vector in decreasing order,
    // because we need maximum 2s by
    // performing minimum operations
    Collections.sort(v, Collections.reverseOrder());
    // Iterating the vector of how many
    // 2s are present at particular index
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
      // After performing some operation
      //, product of
      // the array is divisible by 2^n
      if (count2 >= n) {
        flag = true;
      // perform operation & add 2s
      // present at that index
      else {
        count2 += v.get(i);
        oper += 1;
    // If product if array is
    // divisible by 2^n
    if (flag || count2 >= n) {
      // Then return operation
      // required
      return oper;
    // If product of array is not
    // divisible by 2^n Then return -1
    return -1;
  // Drivers code
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] arr = { 10, 6, 11 };
    int n = arr.length;
    // Function call
    System.out.println(divisibleby(arr, n));
//This code is contributed by Akash Jha

# Function to find the minimum operation
# required, such that the product of
# array is divisible by n-th power of 2
def divisibleby(arr, n):
    count2 = 0
    temp2 = 0
    oper = 0
    flag = False
    v = []
    # Finding how many 2s are present
    # in the array initially
    # by iterating the whole array
    for i in range(n):
        # Till arr[i] is divisible by 2
        while arr[i] % 2 == 0:
            # Add +1 to count2
            count2 += 1
            # Divide arr[i] by 2
            arr[i] //= 2
    # Finding how many 2s are we can get
    # by performing n operations
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        temp = i
        # Till i is divisible by 2
        while temp % 2 == 0:
            # Add +1 to temp2
            temp2 += 1
            # Divide i by 2
            temp //= 2
        # Inserting in list how many 2s
        # are present in index i
        if temp2 > 0:
        temp2 = 0
    # Sort the list in decreasing order,
    # because we need maximum 2s by
    # performing minimum operations
    # Iterating the list of how many
    # 2s are present at particular index
    for i in range(len(v)):
        # After performing some operation
        #, product of
        # the array is divisible by 2^n
        if count2 >= n:
            flag = True
        # perform operation & add 2s
        # present at that index
            count2 += v[i]
            oper += 1
    # If product if array is
    # divisible by 2^n
    if flag or count2 >= n:
        # Then return operation
        # required
        return oper
    # If product of array is not
    # divisible by 2^n Then return -1
    return -1
# Drivers code
arr = [10, 6, 11]
n = len(arr)
# Function call
print(divisibleby(arr, n))
# This code is contributed by tushar rokade

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
    // Function to find the minimum operation
    // required, such that the product of
    // array is divisible by n-th power of 2
    public static int DivisibleBy(int[] arr, int n)
        int count2 = 0, temp2 = 0, oper = 0;
        bool flag = false;
        List<int> v = new List<int>();
        // Finding how many 2s are present
        // in the array initially
        // by iterating the whole array
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // Till arr[i] is divisible by 2
            while (arr[i] % 2 == 0)
                // Add +1 to count2
                count2 += 1;
                // Divide arr[i] by 2
                arr[i] = arr[i] / 2;
        // Finding how many 2s are we can get
        // by performing n operations
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            int temp = i;
            // Till i is divisible by 2
            while (temp % 2 == 0)
                // Add +1 to temp2
                temp2 += 1;
                // Divide i by 2
                temp = temp / 2;
            // Inserting in list how many 2s
            // are present in index i
            if (temp2 > 0)
            temp2 = 0;
        // Sort the list in decreasing order,
        // because we need maximum 2s by
        // performing minimum operations
        v = v.OrderByDescending(i => i).ToList();
        // Iterating the list of how many
        // 2s are present at particular index
        foreach (int i in v)
            // After performing some operation
            //, product of
            // the array is divisible by 2^n
            if (count2 >= n)
                flag = true;
            // perform operation & add 2s
            // present at that index
                count2 += i;
                oper += 1;
        // If product if array is
        // divisible by 2^n
        if (flag || count2 >= n)
            // Then return operation
            // required
            return oper;
        // If product of array is not
        // divisible by 2^n Then return -1
        return -1;
    // Drivers code
    public static void Main()
        int[] arr = { 10, 6, 11 };
        int n = arr.Length;
        // Function call
        Console.WriteLine(DivisibleBy(arr, n));

// Function to find the minimum operation
// required, such that the product of
// array is divisible by n-th power of 2
function divisibleby(arr, n) {
    let count2 = 0, temp2 = 0, oper = 0;
    let flag = false;
    let v = [];
    // Finding how many 2s are present
    // in the array initially
    // by iterating the whole array
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Till arr[i] is divisible by 2
        while (arr[i] % 2 == 0) {
            // Add +1 to count2
            count2 += 1;
            // Divide arr[i] by 2
            arr[i] = arr[i] / 2;
    // Finding how many 2s are we can get
    // by performing n operations
    for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        let temp = i;
        // Till i is divisible by 2
        while (temp % 2 == 0) {
            // Add +1 to temp2
            temp2 += 1;
            // Divide i by 2
            temp = temp / 2;
        // Inserting in vector how many 2s
        // are present in index i
        if (temp2 > 0) {
        temp2 = 0;
    // Sort the vector in decreasing order,
    // because we need maximum 2s by
    // performing minimum operations
    v.sort(function(a, b) { return b - a });
    // Iterating the vector of how many
    // 2s are present at particular index
    for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) {
        // After performing some operation
        //, product of
        // the array is divisible by 2^n
        if (count2 >= n) {
            flag = true;
        // perform operation & add 2s
        // present at that index
        else {
            count2 += v[i];
            oper += 1;
    // If product if array is
    // divisible by 2^n
    if (flag || count2 >= n) {
        // Then return operation
        // required
        return oper;
    // If product of array is not
    // divisible by 2^n Then return -1
    return -1;
// Driver code
let arr = [10, 6, 11];
let n = arr.length;
// Function call
console.log(divisibleby(arr, n));
//This code is contributed by Akash Jha


Time Complexity: O(n*log2n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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