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File opening modes(r versus r+)

A file has to be opened before the beginning of reading and writing operations. Opening a file creates a link between the operating system and the file function.

Syntax for opening a file:

  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen( " filename with extension ", " mode " );

Opening of file in detail:
FILE: structure defined in stdio.h header file. FILE structure provides us the necessary information about a FILE.
fp: file pointer which contains the address of the structure FILE.
fopen(): this function will open file with name “filename” in specified “mode”.

Different reading modes:

  1. r
  2. r+
  3. for binary files: rb, rb+, r+b


r mode r+ mode
Purpose Opens an existing text file for reading purpose. Opens a text file for both reading and writing.
fopen Returns if FILE doesn’t exists NULL Create New File
fopen returns if FILE exist Returns a pointer to the FILE object. New data is written at the start of existing data
file pointer position at the first char of the file at the first char of the file

C program for opening file in r mode:

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    FILE* fp;
    char ch;
    // Open file in Read mode
    fp = fopen("INPUT.txt", "r+");
    // data in file: geeksforgeeks
    while (1) {
        ch = fgetc(fp); // Read a Character
        if (ch == EOF) // Check for End of File
        printf("%c", ch);
    fclose(fp); // Close File after Reading



Note: File opened should be closed in the program after processing.

C program for opening file in r+ mode:

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    FILE* fp;
    char ch;
    // Open file in Read mode
    fp = fopen("INPUT.txt", "r+");
    // content of the file:geeksforgeeks
    while (1) {
        ch = fgetc(fp); // Read a Character
        if (ch == EOF) // Check for End of File
        printf("%c", ch);
    fprintf(fp, " online reference.");
    fclose(fp); // Close File after Reading
    // content of the file: geeksforgeeks online reference.
    fp = fopen("INPUT.txt", "r+"); // Open file in r + mode
    while (1) {
        ch = fgetc(fp); // Read a Character
        if (ch == EOF) // Check for End of File
        printf("%c", ch);


geeksforgeeks online reference

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