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Fidget Spinner using Python

Prerequisite: Turtle Programming in Python

In this article, we are going to create Fidget Spinner using the Python turtle module. It is a Python feature like a drawing board, which lets us command a turtle to draw all over it! We can use functions like turtle.forward() and turtle.right() which can move the turtle around. 

Let’s see the stepwise implementation:

Step 1: Drawing the fidget spinner

Here in this piece of code, we will initialize the state of the fidget spinner, angles for rotating it in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction and make the colored graphics required to make the fidget spinner.

# initial state of spinner is null (stable)
state= {'turn':0 }
# Draw fidget spinner
def spin():
    # Angle of fidget spinner
    angle = state['turn']/10
    # move the turtle forward by specified
    # distance
    # draw a dot with diameter 120 using colour 
    # red
    dot(120, 'red')
    # move the turtle backward by specified 
    # distance
    "second dot"
    dot(120, 'blue')
    "third dot"
    dot(120, 'green')


Step 2: Animating the fidget spinner

In this step, we will call a function animate() which will animate the fidget spinner by seeing if the state is greater than 0 then decrement one from it decreases and call the spin function again. After that, a timer is installed which will call the animate function again after 20 milliseconds

# Animate fidget spinner
def animate():
    if state['turn'] > 0:
        state['turn'] -= 1
    ontimer(animate, 20)

Step 3: Moving the fidget spinner, setting up the window, and tracing the spinner back to its original position

Here we will define the flick function which will move the fidget spinner by increasing its state to 40, also we will set up a window and its background color, we will use a tracer that brings back the fidget spinner into its initial state after completing its rotation and after that, we will define the width and color of our fidget spinner and at last, we will define the key for moving the fidget spinner.

# Flick fidget spinner
def flick():
    # acceleration of spinner
    state['turn'] += 40
# setup window screen
setup(600, 400, 370, 0)
'''tracer brings back the fidget spinner into its initial state
after completing the rotation'''
# wing of fidget spinner
# keyboard key for the rotation of spinner
onkey(flick, 'space')

Below is the complete implementation:

# import object from module turtle
from turtle import *
# initial state of spinner is null (stable)
state= {'turn':0 }
# Draw fidget spinner
def spin():
    # Angle of fidget spinner
    angle = state['turn']/10
    # To rotate in clock wise we use right
    # for Anticlockwise rotation we use left
    # move the turtle forward by specified distance
    # draw a dot with diameter 120 using colour red
    dot(120, 'red')
    # move the turtle backward by specified distance
    "second dot"
    dot(120, 'blue')
    "third dot"
    dot(120, 'green')
# Animate fidget spinner
def animate():
    if state['turn']>0:
    ontimer(animate, 20)
# Flick fidget spinner
def flick():
    state['turn']+=40 #acceleration of spinner
# setup window screen
setup(600, 400, 370, 0)
# wing of fidget spinner
# keyboard key for the rotation of spinner


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