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Reproduction is the process by which an organism produces young ones similar to itself. When this process involves only one parent and produces clones that are morphologically and genetically similar to the parent, it is termed an asexual mode of reproduction. When two gametes one from a male and the other from a female parent fuse together, it produces progenies possessing variations. This is called the sexual mode of reproduction. The various steps involved in sexual reproduction are as follows:

Let us have a glance over the topic of Fertilization.



Fertilization in humans refers to the fusion of male and female gametes that facilitates the development of a new organism. During this process, semen comprising thousands of sperms is inseminated into the female’s vagina during coitus. The sperms move towards the uterus and reach the opening of the fallopian tube. Only a few sperms succeed in reaching the fallopian tube and the rest are digested and absorbed into the female reproductive tract. The process of release of a secondary oocyte from a mature Graafian follicle is called ovulation. Many sperms adhere to the surface of the secondary oocyte, however only one is able to enter it. During meiosis II, the sperm enters the secondary oocyte. After completion of meiosis, the secondary oocyte is known as the egg. Both sperm and egg are viable for a limited period of time. Sperm remains alive for 48-72 hours in the female reproductive tract, whereas the egg can be fertilized for 24 hours after it is released. Fertilization in most animals is similar to that in humans. 

Modes of Fertilization

Animals also produce gametes for fusion. But the fusion of gametes may take place inside or outside the body. Based on this, fertilization is of two types-internal and external fertilization.

Process of Fertilization

Let’s discuss the process of fertilization in further detail. 

For fertilization to occur the two gametes must be brought together. This is achieved by the process of copulation. Semen from the male’s penis is released into the female’s vagina. This process is called Insemination. Sperms have a longer lifetime in the male’s body. However, they can survive for only 48-72 hours in a female’s body. Capacitation of sperm begins in the female genital tract. It is the process of removal of all protective layers of the sperm and making only the spermatozoa available for fertilization with the female gamete. Capacitation includes the following processes:

Significance of Fertilization

FAQs on Fertilization

Question 1: Where does the capacitation of sperm occur?


In the Female genital tract, capacitation of sperm occurs.

Question 2: Fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from?


Fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from Mature eggs.

Question 3: When does the extrusion of the second polar body from the egg nucleus occur?


After entry of sperm before completion of fertilization.

Question 4: A reaction of granules content that harden the zona pellucida and ensures sure block to polyspermy is?


Cortical Reaction is a reaction of granules content which harden the zona pellucida and ensures sure block to polyspermy.

Question 5: In oogenesis, the haploid egg is fertilized by sperm at which stage?


At the Secondary oocyte, the haploid egg is fertilized by sperm.

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