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Fastest way to Copy a Collection Within the Same Database

Copying a collection within the same MongoDB database can be a useful operation when we need to duplicate data for testing, migration or backup purposes. MongoDB provides several methods to achieve this efficiently depending on our requirements and the size of the collection.

In this article, we’ll explore the fastest ways to copy a collection within the same MongoDB database by covering concepts at an easy-to-understand and beginner-friendly level.

Understanding Collection Copy in MongoDB

1. Using copyTo Method

Example: Using copyTo Method

// MongoDB Shell Example
use mydatabase;

// Copy the 'sourceCollection' to 'targetCollection'


After executing the above command, MongoDB will copy all documents and indexes from sourceCollection to targetCollection within the mydatabase.

2. Using Aggregation Framework

Example: Using Aggregation Framework for Copying

// MongoDB Shell Example
use mydatabase;

// Use aggregation framework to copy collection
{ $match: {} }, // Match all documents
{ $out: "targetCollection" } // Output to 'targetCollection'


Executing the above aggregation pipeline will copy all documents from sourceCollection to targetCollection within the mydatabase.

3. Using insertMany Command

Example: Using insertMany Command for Copying

// MongoDB Shell Example
use mydatabase;

// Find all documents in sourceCollection
var documents = db.sourceCollection.find().toArray();

// Insert documents into targetCollection


Executing the above script will copy all documents from sourceCollection to targetCollection within the mydatabase.

Considerations and Best Practices


Copying a collection within the same MongoDB database can be achieved using various methods, each with its trade-offs in terms of simplicity, performance, and flexibility. By understanding these methods and considerations, you can efficiently copy collections to duplicate data for various use cases, such as testing, migration, or backup operations. Choose the method that best fits your requirements and leverage MongoDB’s flexibility to manage and manipulate data effectively.

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