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Fall of Roman Empire

The Fall of the Roman Empire is a highly debated and theorized issue because the Roman Empire is probably one the greatest and most powerful and impactful empires the Western world has ever experienced. History has yet to see another entity with the political and cultural legacy left by the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire came into existence from the Roman Republic in 27 BCE when Augustus became the ruler and established an autocracy.

This article discusses and analyses the Fall of the Roman Empire; Please go through this for further important details on the topic and keywords.

Fall of Roman Empire: Timeline

The founding of the city of Rome in 753 BC, by the two brothers Romulus and Remus, is seen as the origin of the Roman Empire. Rome went from being initially ruled by kings, to becoming a Republic aka governed by the citizens of Rome around 509 BC to being the majestic capital of the most powerful Empire of the ancient world by 27BC. The following table gives us a brief overview of the Roman Empire:


Significant events of the Roman Empire

753 BC

The city of Rome was founded by brothers Romulus and Remus ( as per legend).

509 BC

Rome becomes a Republic with a constitution with laws governed by senators.

73 BC

The slave rebellion is led by the gladiator Spartacus.

45 BC

Roman Republic begins to crumble with the ascension of Julius Caesar as the first dictator of Rome

44 BC

Marcus Brutus killed Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. In an effort to restore the republic, a civil war breaks out.

27 BC

Caesar Augustus becomes the first Roman Emperor, marking the official beginning of the Roman Empire.

80 AD

The Colosseum aka one of the finest works of Roman engineering is constructed.

306 AD

Constantine ascends to the throne eventually leading to Rome becoming a Christian empire after his conversion to Christianity

380 AD

Theodosius I declares that the Roman Empire will only practice Christianity.

395 AD

The Roman Empire splits into two empires.

410 AD

Rome is taken by the Visigoths, the first time for the empire being conquered by an enemy.

476 AD

  • The dissolution of Ancient Rome and the end of the Western Roman Empire.
  • The German Goth Odoacer defeats Romulus Augustus, the final Roman Emperor.
  • This period marks the beginning of Europe’s Dark Ages.

1453 AD

The Ottoman Empire conquered the Byzantine Empire, bringing an end to it.

Fall of Roman Empire: History

The Roman Republic Era

The Roman Republic represented the government of the nobility, who exercised their authority through the institution called the Senate. The Republic lasted from 509 BC to 27 BC, and was overthrown by Octavian/ Augustus, the adopted son and heir of Julius Caesar.




509 BC

Expansion of the Roman Republic

The Republic embarked on a series of expansion and wars to become the authoritarian power of the Italian peninsula.

Italians tribes like the Samnites, Etruscans and Greek Colonies in Southern Italy were defeated and we see the expansion of the republic expanded beyond Rome in the following years.

264 BC

Punic Wars with Carthage

The Roman Republic engaged in Punic Wars with Carthage. A total three wars were fought between the two in which Rome gained Spain, Sicily, Northern Italy and parts of Northern Africa.

The Punic Wars ended in 146 BC with the destruction of Carthage. Rome went on to dominate other European powers and destroyed the Greek City-states and the Seleucid Empire by about 50 BC.

45 BC

Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome

Taking advantage of the Civil war like situation in Rome due to rivalry between army generals, the rich and the poor, Julius Caesar seized power.

27 BC

End of Roman Republic

The republic crumbled in 27 BC, when Augustus became the first Roman emperor.

Fall of Roman Empire: Reign of the Emperors

Emperor Augustus Caesar brought a series of reforms which stabilized the economy of post-civil war Rome. The rulers following Augustus ensured growth and prosperity along with the territorial expansion of the empire extending from Britain to modern-day Syria.




27 BC-180 AD

Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

A period of expansion, economic growth and prosperity for the Empire.

235 AD – 285 AD

The Crisis of the 3rd Century

It was a period of anarchy, civil wars, barbarian invasions and political instability which brought the empire to the brink of collapse.

286 AD

Splitting of the Empire

Due to administrative difficulties in maintaining a large empire it was divided into a western half and eastern half. The Western Roman Empire was governed from Rome while the Eastern Roman Empire was governed from Byzantium.

The after effects of the 3rd century crisis continued to plague the empire later on.

Causes for Fall of Roman Empire

Given below are various reasons that could have caused the fall of the Roman Empire, as given by historians from different schools of thought:

1. Decay of the empire due to general malaise

2. Catastrophic Collapse of the empire due to invasions from indigenous people

3. Splitting of the Roman Empire

4. Socio-cultural differences between regions

5. Population Decline

6. Transformation theory on Fall of the Roman Empire

The Transformation school of thought questions the whole idea of “fall” of the empire and states that instead of the idea of decline one must really think if its the diminish in popularity of a particular political dispensation. According to this school, the ancient Roman world underwent a gradual series of transformations, transitioning into the medieval world. The historians belonging to this school often prefer to talk of Late Antiquity, instead of the Fall of the Roman Empire.

Fall of Roman Empire: Summary

Modern historians talk about effectiveness and strength of the army, the health of the Roman population, economic strength of the empire, the competence of the emperor, religious changes of the period, efficiency of the civil administration and increasing pressure from barbarians outside Roman culture as some of the few factors that may have caused the fall of the Roman Empire. It was a combination of factors and events that caused an eventual downfall of the Empire.

Fall of Roman Empire: Legacy

Fall of Roman Empire: Interesting Facts

A few interesting facts about the Roman Empire are given below:

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The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and significant empires in history and the reasons for its decline are of great debate among the historians. One cause for the decline of the ancient worlds greatest empire cannot be singled out. A series of causes, combined with multiple events eventually led to the end of the Roman Empire, therefore we can assume that it was multiple factors like indigenous tribal invasions, weak rulers, split of the empire into two, declining population, multiple administrative capital cities and a new state religion that caused this to happen. Despite the decline of the Roman Empire, the Roman cultural legacy remains alive to this day.

FAQ’s on Fall of Roman Empire

Who defeated the last Roman ruler?

The German chieftain Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus and brought an end to the Roman Empire in 476 CE.

What caused Roman Empire to fall?

A series of causes like indigenous tribal invasions, weak rulers, split of the empire into two, declining population, multiple administrative capital cities and a new state religion combined with multiple events eventually led to the end of the Roman Empire.

What survived the fall of the Roman Empire?

The eastern Roman Empire, more commonly known as the Byzantine Empire, survived the decline the Western Roman Empire ,until the 15th century AD.

Who founded the Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire was formed in 27 BCE when Julius Caesar’s adopted son, known as Augustus, became the ruler of Rome and established an autocratic form of government, where he was the sole ruler and made all important decisions.

How long did the fall of Rome last?

The fall of the Roman Empire was gradual and slow and lasted over a period of two and a half centuries.

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