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Exploratory Data Analysis in Julia

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is used for achieving a better understanding of data in terms of its main features, the significance of various variables, and the inter-variable relationships. The First step is to explore the dataset.  

Methods to explore the given dataset in Julia:

  1. Using data tables and applying statistics
  2. Using Visual Plotting techniques on the data

Using data tables and applying statistics 

Step 1: Install DataFrames Package  

For using data tables in Julia, a data structure called Dataframe is used. DataFrame can handle multiple operations without compromising on Speed and Scalability.

Dataframes package can be installed using the following command:

using Pkg

Step 2: Download the Dataset  

For data analysis, we have used the Iris dataset. It is easily available online.

Step 3: Import Necessary Packages and the Dataset

Let’s first import our DataFrames Package, CSV Package, and load the Iris.csv file of the data set:

# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris =“Iris.csv”)


Step 4: Quick Data Exploration

Preliminary exploration can be performed on the dataset such as identifying the shape of the dataset using the size function, list of columns using the names function, first n rows using the head function.  


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris =“Iris.csv”);
# Shape of Dataset
# List of columns
# First 10 rows
head(Iris, 10)


Indexing in a dataframe

Dataframe_name[:column_name] is a basic indexing technique to access a particular column of the data frame.  


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris =“Iris.csv”);
# Access particular column of dataset
Iris[: SepalLength]


Describe Function

Describe function is used to present the mean, median, minimum, maximum, quartiles, etc of the dataset.


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris =“Iris.csv”);
# Using describe function
# to get statistics of a dataset
# Using describe function to get
# statistics of a particular column in a dataset
describe(Iris, :all, cols=:SepalLength)


Using Visual Plotting techniques on the data

Visual Exploration in Julia can be achieved with the help of various plotting libraries such as Plots, StatPlots, and Pyplot.

Plots: It is a high-level plotting package that interfaces other plotting packages called ‘back-ends‘. They behave like the graphics engines that generate the graphics. It has a simple and consistent interface.

StatPlots: It is a supporting package used with Plots package consisting of statistical recipes for various concepts and types.

PyPlot: It is used to work with matplotlib library of Python in Julia.

The above-mentioned libraries can be installed using the following commands:


Distribution analysis

The distribution of variables in Julia can be performed using various plots such as histogram, boxplot, scatterplot, etc.  

Let’s start by plotting the histogram of SepalLength:


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris ="Iris.csv");
# Using Plots Package
using Plots
# Plot Histogram
                bins = 50, xlabel = "SepalLength",
                            labels = "Length in cm")


Next, we look at box plots to understand the distributions. Box plot for SepalLength can be plotted by:


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris ="Iris.csv");
# Using Plots,StatPlots Package
using Plots, StatPlots
# Plot Boxplot
              xlabel = "SepalLength")


Next, we look at Scatter plot to understand the distributions. Scatter plot for SepalLength can be plotted by:


# Using the DataFrames Package
using DataFrames
# Using the CSV package
using CSV
# Reading the CSV file
Iris ="Iris.csv");
# Using Plots package
using Plots
# Plot Scatterplot
     seriestype = :scatter,
     title = "Sepal Length")


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