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Estimation technique- Test Point Analysis

Estimation is a management activity that is often a predecessor to planning. Estimation creates approximate cost and schedule targets for tasks like test execution or automation creation.  There are multiple factors affecting the test estimation as mentioned here. In Test estimation, we need to apply known estimation best practices to the testing work throughout the lifecycle. Major activities which occur during a test project are listed below – 

  1. Planning
  2. Control
  3. Analysis
  4. Design
  5. Implementation
  6. Execution
  7. Reporting

Out of the above test, execution is the one that gets the highest management attention. Test execution is a critical path in terms of overall project management as well. However, it is known that test execution estimates are troublesome as it is dependent on various dynamic factors like environment availability, Integration issues, data availability, Defect fix rate, etc.  Hence, the determining factor for test execution is not only how long it takes to run each test case once but also the time required to find, fix and retest the fixed critical bugs.
Please note, there will always be a set of assumptions during estimations. As a leader, you must ensure that all assumptions are documented and monitored during test control.

There are various techniques for test estimations which can be broadly categorized into two categories-

  1. Metrics based techniques
  2. Experience-based techniques.

Metric based Estimation Techniques
As the name suggests, It involves estimating the testing effort based on metrics of former or similar projects or based on typical values. 
Various techniques under this broad category include:

  1. Work Breakdown Structure
  2. Test Point analysis.
  3. Percentage of overall project effort
  4. Team Estimation – Example Three-point estimation or Delphic oracle

Expert Based approach: 
It involves estimating the tasks based on estimates made by the owner of the tasks or by experts of the system or the skill. 

Test Point Analysis (TPA) : 
Test point analysis is a technique used to estimate black box testing. It corresponds to Function point analysis which is used for White box testing estimations. It makes use of 3 entities to make an estimate, namely –

  1. Size – 
    This is determined in terms of functional points adjusted for complexity, interfaces, and uniformity.
  2. Strategy – 
    In particular which quality attributes or risks are to be tested and to what extent. 
  3. Productivity – 
    This gives us productivity levels of participants, which is determined by the skills of the testing team and are influenced by the process followed by organization, technology being used.

How to calculate Test Points :
1. First we calculate, For each functional area of the system, a value that gives the effort weightage for the dynamic quality characteristics i.e Quality characteristics which will be tested with dynamic tests. (Actual code gets executed in dynamic tests)

Dynamic Quality Characteristics

Qd = (.75 Qf+0.05Qp+0.1 Qu +0.1 Qe)/4
Qf= Functionality Factor
Qp- Security Factor
Qu= Usability Factor
Qe= Efficiency Factor

2. Secondly, we calculate for each functional area of the system, a function-dependent weighing factor based on various attributes that will make it easier or harder to test.

Function Dependent Factors

Df = ((Ue+Uy+I+C))20)*U
Ue= Usage Importance. 3,6 or 12
Uy= Usage Intensity, 2,4,or 12
I= Interfacing; 2,4, or 6
C= Complexity 3,6, or 12
Uniformity 0.6 or 1


3. Third calculation is dynamic test point calculation for a given functional area of the system. This could be a lengthy process if the system is complex.

Dynamic test Points

TPf= Qd*Df*FPf
Pf= Function point count for function under consideration

4. Fourth calculation is Static test points i.e the points which we intend to cover by static testing of the system (without code execution).

Qs= SumQi
Qi= 16 per statically tested quality characteristics

5. Lastly, we calculate the total test points. 

TP= Sum(TPf)+(FP*Qs)/500

How to calculate Test Hours using Test Points :
1. Productivity factor –

2. Environmental Weighting factor –

E= Tt+Dt+Tb+De+Te+Tw
Tt= Test Tools 1,2 or 4 
Dt= Development Testing 2, 4 or 8
Tb=  Test Basis, 3 ,6 or 12 
De= Development environment 3,4, or 8 
Te= Test Environment 1,2 or 4
Tw= Testware 1,2 or 4

3. Primary test Hours –

TP= Test points from previous steps.

4. Management Overhead –

MO= 1+(Ts+Mt)/100
Ts= team Size
Mt= management Tools

5. Total Hours –


Test Hours Breakdown : 

  1. 10% Preparation (Plan, design)
  2. 40% Specification (Test Dev)
  3. 45% Execution (Run, Report)
  4. 5% Completion (Final reports)

Closing Note :  
It is obviously a complex model for estimation. Some practical and important factors like outsourcing are not considered in this. However, this model gives a good idea of how estimation can be built. This can be tailored for the organization or the project. Given we have good historical data available, a very accurate estimation can be derived from this model. 

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