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Ember.js ArrayProxy slice() Method

Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used for developing large client-side web applications which is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Ember.js is one of the most widely used front-end application frameworks. It is made to speed up development and increase productivity. Currently, it is utilized by a large number of websites, including Square, Discourse, Groupon, Linked In, Live Nation, Twitch, and Chipotle.

The slice() method is used to get part of array which is a slice of the receiver.


slice( beginIdx, endidx );



Return Value: A new array with a specified slice.

Steps to Install and Run Ember.js:

To run the following examples you will need to have an ember project with you. To create one, you will need to install ember-cli first. Write the below code in the terminal:

npm install ember-cli

Now you can create the project by typing in the following piece of code:

ember new <project-name> --lang en

To start the server, type:

ember serve

Example 1: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:

ember generate route slice1

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default class FruitsRoute extends Route {
    fruits = [
            'name': 'Lady Finger',
            'isFruit': false,
            'color': 'green',
            'quant': 2, 
            'name': 'Brinjal',
            'isFruit': false,
            'color': 'purple',
            'quant': 2,
            'name': 'Apple',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'red',
            'quant': 5,
            'name': 'Grapes',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'green',
            'quant': 4,
            'name': 'Mango',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'yellow',
            'quant': 3,
            'name': 'Watermelon',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'red',
            'quant': 2,
            'name': 'Orange',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'orange',
            'quant': 2,
            'name': 'Banana',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'yellow',
            'quant': 5,
            'name': 'Papaya',
            'isFruit': true,
            'color': 'orange',
            'quant': 5,
        return this.fruits;
    setupController(controller,model) {
        super.setupController(controller, model);
        controller.set('fruits', this.fruits);
        controller.set('item1', this.item1);
        controller.set('item2', this.item2);
        controller.set('item3', this.item3);

import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
    show_Fruits( ) {
        let temp = this.fruits.rejectBy('isFruit',false);
        let foo = temp.mapBy('name');
    slice_items( idx1, idx2) {
        let foo = this.fruits.slice(idx1, idx2);
        let ans = foo.mapBy('name')
    remove() {
        this.fruits.shiftObject( );
    set_quant(data) {
        this.fruits.setEach('quant', data );
        let temp = this.fruits.uniqBy('color');
        let ans = temp.mapBy('name');

{{page-title "slice"}}
<h3>Here is a list of eatables: </h3>
    {{#each @model as |detail|}}
<br /><br />
    <label>Enter first index: </label>
    {{input value=this.temp}}
    <label>Enter last indexs: </label>
    {{input value=this.temp2}}
    value="Slice list"
    {{action "slice_items" this.temp this.temp2}}
    <label>Enter Quantity: </label>
    {{input value=this.temp3}}
    value="Set Each Quantity"
    {{action "set_quant" this.temp3}}
    <input type="button"
    value="Remove 1's Fruit"
    {{action "remove" }}    >
    <input type="button"
    value="Show Fruit"
    {{action "show_Fruits"}}    >
    value="Select One item of Each color"
    {{action "select"}}

Output: Visit localhost:4200/slice1 to view the output

Ember.js ArrayProxy slice method

Example 2: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:

ember generate route slice2

import Route from "@ember/routing/route";
export default class StudentsRoute extends Route {
    students = [
            name: "Aaush Somankar",
            gender: "M",
            class: 12,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 7897391833,
            name: "Aman Prakash",
            gender: "M",
            class: 10,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 8293839918,
            name: "Siya guru",
            gender: "F",
            class: 11,
            grade: "B",
            mobile: 6293839912,
            name: "Ramesh verma",
            gender: "M",
            class: 10,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 7193839932,
            name: "Esnoor",
            gender: "M",
            class: 9,
            grade: "F",
            mobile: 8372819383,
            name: "Balit",
            gender: "M",
            class: 10,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 7361927365,
            name: "Dora",
            gender: "F",
            class: 12,
            grade: "F",
            mobile: 5634152617,
            name: "Lalu",
            gender: "F",
            class: 8,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 8372618392,
            name: "Pokhraj",
            gender: "M",
            class: 11,
            grade: "F",
            mobile: 9302810231,
            name: "Rahul",
            gender: "M",
            class: 9,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 7837919373,
            name: "Ram",
            gender: "M",
            class: 12,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 8272112539,
            name: "Priti",
            gender: "F",
            class: 9,
            grade: "F",
            mobile: 8836172912,
            name: "Sita",
            gender: "F",
            class: 8,
            grade: "A",
            mobile: 9193830293,
  convert(string) {
    this.item = string.split(",").map((item) => item.trim());
    return this.item;
    model() {
        return this.students;
    setupController(controller, model) {
        super.setupController(controller, model);
        controller.set("students", this.students);
    controller.set("convert", this.convert);
    controller.set("item", this.item);

import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    actions: {
            let temp = this.students.uniqBy('class');
            let ans = temp.mapBy('name')
        hide() {
        allPass() {
            let tempItems = this.students.rejectBy('grade','F');
            let ans = tempItems.mapBy('name')
        remove() {
        check_item(idx) {
            let temp = this.students.objectAt(JSON.parse(idx));
    check_items(idx1, idx2) {
      let temp = this.students.slice(idx1, idx2);
      let ans = temp.mapBy('name')

{{page-title "slice"}}
<h3>List of Students: </h3>
        <th>Mobile No.</th>
    {{#each @model as |student|}}
<br /><br />
    <label>Enter first index: </label>
    {{input value=this.temp}}
    <label>Enter last indexs: </label>
    {{input value=this.temp2}}
    value="Slice list"
    {{action "check_items" this.temp this.temp2}}
<br /><br />
    value="Remove First Student"
    {{action "remove"}}
<br /><br />
    value="Hide Mobile Numbers"
    {{action "hide"}}
<br /><br />
    value="Show All Passed Students"
    {{action "allPass"}}
<br /><br />
    value="Select One Student Of Each class"
    {{action "select"}}

Output: Visit localhost:4200/slice2 to view the output

Ember.js ArrayProxy slice method


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