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Draw Rectangle in MATLAB

MATLAB is a high-performance language that is used for matrix manipulation, performing technical computations, graph plottings, etc. It stands for Matrix Laboratory. In MATLAB, we can draw a rectangle by just using the built-in ‘rectangle’ function which takes arguments as its left bottom vertex’s position and length and breadth.


rectangle(‘Position’, [x_start, y_start, length, breadth]);

where x_start and y_start are x and y coordinates respectively of the left bottom vertex of the rectangle.

Suppose we are drawing a rectangle whose left bottom vertex is (2,3) and length = 5, breadth = 7.

Example 1:

% MATLAB code for rectangle draw




We are passing the left bottom vertex = (2,3) and length = 5, breadth = 7 to the rectangle function. In the second line of code, we are drawing x coordinates from 0 to 12 and y coordinates from 0 to 12.

Now take another example for drawing a rectangle whose left bottom vertex is (0,0) and length = 7, breadth = 7.

Example 2:

% MATLAB code for draw rectangle



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