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Display file contents based on line number

Write a Perl program to display contents of the file in sorted order(ascending) based on line numbers given via command-line arguments. Note that the line numbers can be in any order and throw an error if the line number is large.

Syntax: perl x y z
Here, is the name of the file that contains the perl script is the name of the file which is to be read. This file can be of any type. Ex- text, script, etc.
x y z are the line numbers which are to be printed.

Sort the line numbers excluding the first argument which is file name. Once sorted read whole content of the file into an array using single statement (my @file = <FNAME>). Now loop through the sorted line numbers and display the file content by passing line number as index to file array like (print “$file[$var-1]\n”;).

Example 1: Consider a file Hello.txt

use warnings;
use strict;
# Check if line numbers are given as an input
if (@ARGV < 2)
    die "usage: pick file_name line_no1 line_no2 ...";
open FNAME, $ARGV[0] or die "cannot open file";
# Exclude the first argument 
# for sorting line numbers
shift (@ARGV); 
my @line_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @ARGV
# Read whole file content into an array 
# and removes new line using chomp()
chomp (my @file = <FNAME>);
foreach my $var (@line_numbers
    if ($var> $#file)
        print "Line number $var is too large\n";
    print "$file[$var-1]\n";
close FNAME;


Example 2: Reading the same script file

use warnings;
use strict;
# Check if line numbers are given as an input
if (@ARGV < 2)
    die "usage: pick file_name line_no1 line_no2 ...";
open FNAME, $ARGV[0] or die "cannot open file";
# Exclude the first argument 
# for sorting line numbers
shift (@ARGV); 
my @line_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @ARGV
# Read whole file content into an array 
# and removes new line using chomp()
chomp (my @file = <FNAME>);
foreach my $var (@line_numbers
    if ($var> $#file)
        print "Line number $var is too large\n";
    print "$file[$var-1]\n";
close FNAME;


If the line number passed is not in the file:

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