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Difference between Weaviate and VoltDB

1. Weaviate :
Weaviate is an open-source GraphQL-based Smart Graph with the core features: semantic search, automatic classification, and knowledge representation. Primary database model is Search Engine and secondary database models is Graph DBMS. It allows our data to represent in a large graph format based on the GraphQL query language. Its search graph based on a graph embedding mechanism called the Contextionary.

2. VoltDB :
VoltDB is distributed In-Memory NewSQL RDBMS and an ACID-compliant RDBMS that uses a shared nothing architecture. This database designed by Michael Stonebraker, Sam Madden, and Daniel Abadi. Initially VoltDB database includes graphs for cluster throughput and latency as well as CPU and memory usage. VoltDB is based on H-Store and scales with the increasing core-per-CPU counts on multi-core servers.

Difference between Weaviate and VoltDB :

S.No. Weaviate VoltDB
1 Developed by SeMI Technologies B.V. and initially released on 2017 and current release on January 2020. Developed by VoltDB Inc. and initially released on 2010 and current release on April 2019.
2 Its primary database model is Search Engine and its secondary database models is Graph DBMS. Its primary database model is Relational DBMS.
3 No such server operating systems in Weaviate . Server operating systems of VoltDB is Linux, OS X.
4 Weaviate supports GraphQL query language and RESTful HTTP/JSON API. VoltDB supports Java API, JDBC, RESTful HTTP/JSON API.
5 Absence of transaction concepts in Weaviate. Transaction concepts of VoltDB is ACID ( Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability).
6 Yes, there is replication methods.  Replication methods of VoltDB is Master-master replication and Master-slave replication.
7 Partitioning methods of XAP is Sharding. It doesn’t holds sharding partitioning methods.
8 No such supported programming languages in Weaviate. It supports C#, C++, Erlang, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python programming languages.
9 It has Eventual Consistency concept. It doesn’t holds Consistency concept.
10 Implementation language of Weaviate is Go. Implementation language of VoltDB is Java, C++.

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