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Difference Between Spend and Spent

“Spend” and “spent” are two forms of the same verb, but they are used in different ways. “Spend” is the present tense of the verb, while “spent” is the past participle. Knowing the difference between these two forms of the verb is important to use them correctly in writing and speaking. 

Difference between Spend and Spent

Meaning of Spend

“Spend” is a verb that refers to the act of using or consuming resources, usually money or time, on a particular activity or item.

Usage of Spend

  1. “Spend” is used to talk about a present or future action of using money or time. 
  2. “Spend” can be used in various tenses to describe an action that has yet to happen, is happening currently, or has already occurred in the past. 
  3. It is commonly used in the present, future, and present perfect tenses.

Examples of Spend

Meaning of Spent

 “Spent” is the past participle form of the verb “spend.” It is used to describe an action that has already occurred, and it typically refers to the use of resources such as time or money.

Usage of Spent

Examples of Spent

Differences between Spend and Spent

  “Spend” “Spent”
Definition To use money or time on something in the present or future To describe an action of using money or time that has already occurred in the past
Tense Present Past participle
Usage To talk about present or future actions To talk about past actions
Auxiliary verbs Can be used with auxiliary verbs like “will,” “can,” “should,” etc. Can be used with an auxiliary verb like “have” to form perfect tenses
Placement in a sentence Usually appears before the object Usually appears after the auxiliary verb
Adverb placement Adverbs can be placed before or after “spend” Adverbs can be placed before or after “spent”
Emphasis Focuses on the action of spending money or time Focuses on the fact that the action has already been completed
Negation “Don’t spend” or “won’t spend” “Didn’t spent” or “hadn’t spent”
Gerund form  “Spending” “Having spent”
Infinitive form “To spend” “To have spent”


Both the terms spend and spent are not synonyms and cannot be used interchangeably even if the latter is the past form of the former. The context of the sentences needs to be understood before using the words.

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