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Difference Between SNS And Kafka

AWS SNS and Apache Kafka are two distinct representative components that work for the same functionality of modern communication and data processing. AWS SNS are online communities that facilitate the sharing of content creations. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are a few well-known for this service AWS SNS usage. Apache Kafka is first introduced by LinkedIn for resolving fault-tolerant, scalable architecture of massive amounts of data streams in real real-time.

SNS and Kafka’s integration provide a potent mix for developing scalable, real-time data processing and communication systems. SNS platforms can effectively manage massive data volumes, guarantee dependability, and provide customized user experiences in real time by utilizing Kafka’s distributed event streaming technology.

SNS (Social Networking Services)

Social networking services (SNS) have revolutionized global communication, information sharing, and connection, and have grown to be an essential component of today’s digital environment. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have broken down barriers by establishing online communities where people can communicate in real-time, exchange multimedia, and take part in debates.

SNS not only foster social connectivity but also play a significant role in shaping public opinion, influencing consumer behavior, and serving as powerful tools for communication, both on a personal and professional level. where,The combination of Apache Kafka and Social Networking Services creates a potent synergy that improves the capabilities of both technologies. SNS platforms provide vast amounts of real-time data, such as engagement metrics, content changes, and user interactions. Through the integration of Kafka into the SNS environment, enterprises can effectively handle and process this flood of data instantaneously. Data created on social networking sites (SNS) platforms may be easily transferred to downstream apps, analytics engines, and other systems thanks to Kafka’s dependable and scalable messaging technology.

Advantages Of SNS

Disadvantages Of SNS

Applications Of SNS


Kafka represents a robust distributed event streaming platform designed to handle the complexities of real-time data processing. The foundation of Kafka’s design is the ability to stream data at high throughput, fault tolerance, and scalability. It is an essential element in situations when enterprises must handle and process enormous volumes of data instantly. Kafka operates on a publish-subscribe model, where data producers publish messages to specific topics, and data consumers subscribe to these topics to receive and process the incoming messages.This design enables smooth data flow and communication across various systems and applications.

Kafka’s fault-tolerant nature ensures that even in the face of system failures or disruptions, data integrity is maintained.Businesses looking to fully utilize social data for targeted marketing campaigns, personalized content distribution, and decision-making will find this connection very beneficial. All things considered, SNS and Kafka come together to form a dynamic ecosystem that combines the speed of social interactions with the scalability and dependability of a state-of-the-art event streaming platform. This allows for more data-driven and responsive approaches to online communication and content delivery.

Advantages Of Kafka

Disadvantages Of Kafka

Application Of Kafka

Difference Between SNS And Kafka



SNS is fully managed by AWS(Amazon Web Services)
and easy to set up

Kafta is requires manual setup and management.

It is automatically scales with increased loads

Kafta is horizontally scalable across multiple nodes

It is limited persistence, not suitable for long-term storage (LTS)

It is provides durability with configurable message retention

SNS has limits on the size of messages to send and received

Kafta supports larger messages to send and received

SNS use in Cloud-native service

Kafta use in deployement in various cloud environments


In Conclusion, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Apache Kafka are robust messaging systems with distinct strengths. SNS,a fully managed service, has message capacity and persistence constraints, but it’s perfect for simple applications like alerts. Though it requires more resources and maintenance work, Kafka is preferred for its fault tolerance, durability, and high-throughput data streaming. Based on the particular requirements of the application, one should use Kafka for intricate real-time streaming and SNS for more straightforward event-driven applications.

SNS And Kafka – FAQ’s

What Is The Amazon Social Network?

Email, mobile devices, and other endpoints can all receive messages sent to with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), a fully managed messaging solution.

What Are The Main SNS Use Cases?

SNS is frequently used to create event-driven architectures, transmit notifications, and improve communication between various distributed system components.

What Is Kafka Apache?

A distributed streaming infrastructure called Apache Kafka is made to stream data in real time, at high speed, and with fault tolerance. Building data pipelines and processing real-time data are two common uses for it.

Which Are The Main Applications Of Kafka?

Building scalable and fault-tolerant data streaming applications, event sourcing, log aggregation, and real-time analytics are all done with Kafka.

What Are Some Of The Difficulties With Kafka?

Understanding the distributed architecture of Kafka requires some expertise, and setting up and maintaining clusters can be challenging. Furthermore, Kafka could use more resources than more straightforward messaging systems.

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