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Difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Webdriver

1. Selenium RC :
It is an essential element, i.e. an API in the Selenium test which supports Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc. This framework allows a developer to write about test instances that cover different test cases in the programming language for checking the User Interface part which ultimately helps in checks for internet functions.

2. Selenium Webdriver :
It is a series of APIs which are open-source which are used as self-regulating the testing of web apps. In other words, it acts as an automation framework for the browser that first accepts instructions and then correspondingly sends those commands to a browser with the help of a browser-specific driver by direct communication.

Difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Webdriver :

S.No. Selenium RC Selenium Webdriver
1. This API supports a particular browser. This is an API which is not bound to a specific browser i.e. supported by almost every browser.
2. The server of selenium is required to process the task. The server of selenium is not required to process the task.
3. Its main engine is supported by Javascript. Its engine is not supported by Javascript.
4. Easy functionality as compared to Selenium Webdriver. It is complicated to learn as compared to Selenium RC.
5. It can be used for recording purposes. It cannot be used for recording purposes.
6. It does not follow pure OOP. Its approach is based on pure OOP.
7. Cursor movement not allowed. Cursor movement is allowed.

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