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Difference Between Open and Closed Circulatory System

Difference Between Open and Closed Circulatory System: The primary difference between an open circulatory system and a closed circulatory system is that an open circulatory system allows for the mixing of blood and interstitial fluid, whereas a closed circulatory system prevents this type of mixing. Open circulatory systems and closed circulatory systems are two types of circulatory systems that perform various functions in humans and other animals. Open and closed circulatory systems participate in the flow of material from one part of the body to another along with fluid.

Difference Between Open and Closed Circulatory Systems


Open Circulatory System

Closed Circulatory System

System Found

The system is primarily found in invertebrates such as Phylum Arthropoda and Mollusca

This system is found in vertebrates and some invertebrates.

Flow of Blood

The blood is not enclosed in the blood vessels. The Blood flow is very slow.

The blood are flow within a complex network of vessels or tubes that are all interconnected. The blood flow is fast


The fluid flowing in this system is known as hemolymph.

Fluid flowing in this system is known as blood.


The Open Circulatory system is less complex in comparison to other circulatory system

The Closed Circulatory System is more Complex.


This liquid is not secreted in evident vessels but is pumped in small and irregular cavities. The blood is pumped by a heart throughout the body in a continuous circuit enclosed in a vessel.
Blood Volume The Blood volume could not be controlled by an open circulatory system. Blood volume can be regulated by the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels, it is a closed circulatory system.
Respiratory Pigments In this system, no respiratory pigments are present Respiratory pigments are present in this system
Gasses Transport Gases are not transported through the open circulatory system Gases are transported via the closed circulatory system
Blood Mixing Blood mixed with the interstitial fluid, the two cannot be separated. Blood does not mix with other body fluids. Blood and interstitial fluid are different.

Circulatory System

This system consists of the heart and the blood vessels and transmits a liquid medium throughout the body. This is referred to as the circulatory system. This system supports tissues to get enough oxygen and nutrients, and it helps them get rid of waste products. The continuous chemical exchange of substances between the body and the environment and between the different tissues of the body takes place only through the circulatory system. In this way, the digested nutrients from the digestive system, oxygen (O2) from the respiratory organs, and hormones from the endocrine glands are distributed to the chordate body cells, and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the cells to the respiratory organs and excretory substances like ammonia.

Open Circulatory System

The system is primarily found in invertebrates such as Phylum Arthropoda and Mollusca. In higher invertebrates other than phylum Annelida, this liquid is not secreted in evident vessels, but in small and irregular cavities. This is called an open circulatory system. The blood is not enclosed in the blood vessels but is pumped into a cavity known as a hemocoel. The blood is called hemolymph because it mixes with the interstitial fluid(a fluid that fills the space surrounding cells). This open circulatory system is less complex than the closed circulatory system.

Some organisms including flatworms, sponges, and jellyfish do not have a circulatory system. As a result, essential nutrients, gasses, and waste disperse in and out of their bodies. The interstitial fluid usually consists of water, hormones, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, salts, and other cellular products.

Closed Circulatory System

The closed circulatory system is one of the more complex circulatory systems when compared to the open circulatory system. This system is found in vertebrates and some invertebrates. The term “closed circulatory system” refers to a system having transparent pipelines. In a closed system, blood remains within a complex network of vessels or tubes that are all interconnected and do not leave it or fill body cavities. The blood is pumped by a heart throughout the body in a continuous circuit enclosed in a vessel. In individuals, a closed circulatory system is more efficient at circulating blood and nutrients.

This type of circulatory system creates pressure, enabling the blood to travel farther and deliver more oxygen. The closed circulatory system is mostly found in all mammals, including humans.  All fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians have this trait. Some invertebrates, such as octopuses and squids, have closed circulatory systems, but some vertebrates, such as grasshoppers, have open circulatory systems.

FAQs on Open and Closed Circulatory Systems

Q1: What are the essential elements of a closed circulatory system?


A closed circulatory system’s major components are the heart for pumping, blood for oxygen and nutrition supply, and blood vessels, carrying blood to various tissues and organs.

Q3: Is the human circulatory system single or double?


The human circulatory system has three essential components: blood vessels, blood, and the heart. It is referred to as a double circulatory system,

Q4: Where is present open circulation found?


The open circulatory system is present in arthropods including insects and phylum mollusks.

Q5: Is saliva transported by the circulatory system?


Saliva is not transported by the circulatory system. Saliva is directed to the mouth by the parotid gland.

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