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Difference Between Labels and Folders in Email

Labels vs Folder: In the domain of email management, labels and folders serve as two distinct organizational tools that play crucial roles in helping users manage their digital correspondence. Labels are a system of categorization that enables users to tag emails with descriptive keywords or tags, offering a flexible and non-hierarchical way to sort and retrieve messages. These tools help streamline your inbox making it easier to find and manage your messages. In this article, we’ll learn about the key differences between labels and folders in email systems.

Difference Between Labels and Folders in Email

The differences between Labels and Folders in emails are shown below:




What They Are

The Tags or markers are applied to emails to categorize them.

The Containers or directories where emails are stored.


The Emails can have multiple labels, allowing for multiple categorizations.

The Emails are typically placed in a single folder and create a one-to-one relationship.


They are Highly flexible as emails can be assigned multiple labels.

Less flexible as emails are placed into one specific folder.


Labels don’t physically move emails. they remain in the inbox or another primary location.

Emails placed in folders are moved from inbox to the folder changing their primary location.


Emails with the labels can be easily found through searches and filters can be set up based on labels.

The Emails in folders are found by navigating through the folder structure.


Gmail uses labels for organizing emails.

Outlook uses folders for email organization.

What are Labels?

The Labels are like tags or markers that you can apply to your emails to categorize them. They provide a way to organize your emails without physically moving them from your inbox or primary location. The Labels offer flexibility because you can assign multiple labels to single email allowing you to categorize messages in multiple ways. You can also set up filters and rules to automatically apply labels based on the specific criteria. The Gmail is a popular email service that uses labels extensively.

Gmail Labels:

Gmail Labels help organize emails. They’re a bit like folders, but more flexible. Instead of just putting emails in separate folders, you can add one or more labels to an email in Gmail. These labels work like tags or markers for emails. They let you group and find related emails easily. You can organize your inbox based on specific topics, projects, or things that matter to you. For example, you might make labels for work stuff, personal emails, specific projects, or emails from certain people.

What are Folders?

Folders are containers or directories where emails are stored. When you move an email to a folder and it is physically relocated from your inbox to that folder creating a one-to-one relationship. The Folders are less flexible compared to labels because each email resides in single folder. Outlook is an example of an email client that primarily uses folders for the email organization.

Outlook Folders:

Outlook Folders act like digital boxes for your emails. They work a lot like folders you’d use for paper documents. With these folders in Outlook, you can tidy up and organize your emails neatly. When an email lands in your Outlook, you can put it in a specific folder to keep similar emails together. Outlooks’ folders help you create a kind of order for your emails based on different things like categories, projects, or topics.

Usage of Labels and Folders in Email

Labels are like tags you can attach to your emails to keep things organized. Here’s how you can use them:

Folders are handy for organizing your emails in a structured way. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

Combining Labels and Folders

By using labels in Gmail for categorization and folders in Outlook for storage, along with strategic labeling and filtering, you can create a comprehensive system to manage and organize emails effectively across both platforms.

Label in Gmail, Move to Outlook Folder: Label emails in Gmail and manually move them to corresponding folders in Outlook for a synchronized organizational system.

Use Labels for Search in Gmail: Use Gmail’s search functionality with labels to find specific emails easily, even if they’re organized in folders in Outlook.


The Labels and folders are both effective tools for organizing and managing emails but they operate differently. The Labels offer flexibility and multiple categorizations without moving emails in while folders provide a more traditional one-location approach. The choice between the labels and folders depends on your email service and personal preferences.

Related Resources:

FAQs on Labels and Folders in Email

1. Can I use both labels and folders in my email system?

It depends on your email service. Some services like Gmail allow you to use the labels and folders together.

2. Do labels or folders affect email storage space?

The Labels typically don’t consume additional storage space as emails remain in same location. The Folders may take up additional storage space if emails in them have large attachments.

3. Which is better for email organization: labels or folders?

The choice between labels and folders depends on your preferences and email service you use. Labels offer more flexibility.

4. Can I search for emails based on labels or folders?

Yes, you can search for emails based on labels or folders in most email clients. The Labels are particularly useful for creating the custom filters and searches.

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