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Difference Between Kubernetes Ingress And Loadbalancer

Kubernetes is an enterprise-grade container orchestration technology. In many non-container contexts, load balancing is simple—for example, balancing across servers. However, load balancing across containers necessitates specialized management.The most fundamental kind of load balancing in Kubernetes is called load distribution. Implementing load distribution is simple at the dispatch level. The kube-proxy feature powers both of the load distribution techniques that Kubernetes offers. Kubernetes services make use of the virtual IPs that are maintained by the kube-proxy feature.

Kubernetes Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource. An ingress is essentially a collection of rules sent to a controller that is listening for them. You can set up a plethora of ingress rules, but nothing will happen until you have a controller that can handle them. If set properly, a LoadBalancer service can listen for ingress rules. You may also construct a NodePort service with an externally routable IP address that corresponds to a pod in your cluster. This might be an ingress controller.

When To Use Kubernetes Ingress

The most effective approach to get your services visible is most likely through ingress, but it may also be the most difficult. There are several varieties of ingress controllers, including Nginx, Contour, Istio, and the Google Cloud Load Balancer. Additionally, there are Ingress controller plugins like the cert manager that enable automated SSL certificate provisioning for your services. If you wish to offer several services under one IP address and they are all using the same L7 protocol (usually HTTP), then ingress is the most helpful option.

Example Of A Service With Kubernetes Ingress

kind: Ingress
name: ingress-example
annotations: /
ingressClassName: nginx-example
- http:
- path: /api
pathType: Prefix
name: api-service
number: 80

Kubernetes Loadbalancer

Kubernetes load balancer uses the Kubernetes Endpoints API to track pod availability. When the Kubernetes load balancer gets a request for a specific Kubernetes service, it sorts or rounds robins the request among the service’s relevant Kubernetes pods.They can work with your pods, provided they are externally routeable. Google and AWS both have this functionality built in.

In terms of Amazon, this corresponds precisely to ELB, and Kubernetes running on AWS can automatically launch and configure an ELB instance for each load balancer service deployed.

When To Use Kubernetes Loadbalancer

This is the standard approach if you wish to expose a service directly. On the port you designate, the service will receive all incoming traffic. Filtering, routing, and other features are absent. It may therefore receive nearly any type of traffic, including HTTP, TCP, UDP, Websockets, gRPC, and so on.

However, the main drawback is that you have to pay for a load balancer for each exposed service, which may grow pricey! Every service you expose using a load balancer will receive its own IP address.

Example of a service with Kubernetes load balancer:

 apiVersion: v1.5
kind: Service
name: api-service
app: api-app
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
type: LoadBalancer

Difference Between kubernetes Ingress VS Loadbalancer

kubernetes ingress

kubernetes loadbalancer

Kubernetes Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster.

Kubernetes load balancer uses the Kubernetes Endpoints API to track pod availability.

Ingress can not sit between servers and the internet.

Load balancers sit between servers and the internet.

External access to the services is managed using Kubernetes Ingress.

Load balancer distributes workloads among servers or Kubernetes clusters in this instance in an equal manner.

Ingress functions as a proxy to bring traffic into the cluster, then uses internal service routing to direct it where it is needed.

Loadbalancer, by default, uses an IP for each service, each configured with its own load balancer in the cloud.


In Conclusion,The most fundamental kind of load balancing in Kubernetes is called load distribution. Implementing load distribution is simple at the dispatch level. However, the main drawback is that you have to pay for a load balancer for each exposed service, which may grow pricey! Every service you expose using a load balancer will receive its own IP address.

kubernetes Ingress And Loadbalancer – FAQs

Why Use Ingress Instead Of Load Balancer?

Load balancers can only route to one service at a time since they are defined per service. This contrasts with an ingress, which can route to several services inside the cluster.

What Are The Limitations Of Ingress In Kubernetes?

Ingress is used in a single namespace. This means that anything within a Kubernetes namespace can only reference services within the same namespace.

Why Load Balancer Is Required In Kubernetes?

A core strategy for maximizing availability and scalability, load balancing distributes network traffic among multiple backend services efficiently.

Does Ingress Need A Service?

Ingresses are used in conjunction with Services to expose applications running in Pods.

Is Ingress Only For HTTP?

Ingress connects HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within it.

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