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Difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS

IAAS, PASS and SAAS are sometimes referred to as cloud service models or cloud computing service models. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) gives you virtual hardware like servers and storage. PaaS (Platform as a Service) provides tools for building and managing software applications. SaaS (Software as a Service) delivers ready-to-use software applications over the internet. In this article, we will learn the difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS.

What is IAAS?

Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) is means of delivering computing infrastructure as on-demand services. It is one of the three fundamental cloud service models. The user purchases servers, software data center space, or network equipment and rent those resources through a fully outsourced, on-demand service model. It allows dynamic scaling and the resources are distributed as a service. It generally includes multiple-user on a single piece of hardware. 

It totally depends upon the customer to choose its resources wisely and as per need. Also, it provides billing management too.

Characteristics of IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)

Example of IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service)

What is PAAS?

Platform As A Service (PAAS) is a cloud delivery model for applications composed of services managed by a third party. It provides elastic scaling of your application which allows developers to build applications and services over the internet and the deployment models include public, private and hybrid. 

Basically, it is a service where a third-party provider provides both software and hardware tools to the cloud computing. The tools which are provided are used by developers. PAAS is also known as Application PAAS. It helps us to organize and maintain useful applications and services. It has a well-equipped management system and is less expensive compared to IAAS.

Characteristics of PAAS (Platform as a Service)

Examples of PAAS (Platform as a Service)

What is SAAS?

Software As A Service (SAAS) allows users to run existing online applications and it is a model software that is deployed as a hosting service and is accessed over Output Rephrased/Re-written Text the internet or software delivery model during which software and its associated data are hosted centrally and accessed using their client, usually an online browser over the web. SAAS services are used for the development and deployment of modern applications. 

It allows software and its functions to be accessed from anywhere with good internet connection device and a browser. An application is hosted centrally and also provides access to multiple users across various locations via the internet.

Characteristics of SAAS (Software as a Service)

Example of SAAS (Software as a Service)

Difference between IAAS, PAAS and SAAS

Stands for Infrastructure as a service. Platform as a service. Software as a service.
Uses IAAS is used by network architects. PAAS is used by developers. SAAS is used by the end user.
Access IAAS gives access to the resources like virtual machines and virtual storage. PAAS gives access to run time environment to deployment and development tools for application. SAAS gives access to the end user.
Model It is a service model that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. It is a cloud computing model that delivers tools that are used for the development of applications. It is a service model in cloud computing that hosts software to make it available to clients.
Technical understanding. It requires technical knowledge. Some knowledge is required for the basic setup. There is no requirement about technicalities company handles everything.
Popularity It is popular among developers and researchers. It is popular among developers who focus on the development of apps and scripts. It is popular among consumers and companies, such as file sharing, email, and networking.
Percentage rise It has around a 12% increment. It has around 32% increment. It has about a 27 % rise in the cloud computing model.
Usage Used by the skilled developer to develop unique applications. Used by mid-level developers to build applications. Used among the users of entertainment.
Cloud services. Amazon Web Services, sun, vCloud Express. Facebook, and Google search engine. MS Office web, Facebook and Google Apps.
Enterprise services. AWS virtual private cloud. Microsoft Azure. IBM cloud analysis.
Outsourced cloud services. Salesforce, Gigaspaces. AWS, Terremark
User Controls Operating System, Runtime, Middleware, and Application data Data of the application Nothing
Others It is highly scalable and flexible. It is highly scalable to suit the different businesses according to resources. It is highly scalable to suit the small, mid and enterprise level business

Advantages of IaaS

Disadvantages of IaaS

When to Use IaaS

Choosing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) sets businesses up for future success, irrespective of their size. With IaaS, one can easily adjust their resources as your business grows or changes, all without dealing with physical hardware. This means one have to only pay for what they need, keeping costs in check. Plus, they have total control over their setup, allowing them to customize it to fit your needs and keep up with industry standards. If they run into any issues, they can count on support from their provider to help out. And with IaaS, they are always up-to-date with the latest tech advancements, keeping them competitive in the market. So, by using IaaS, businesses can stay flexible, save money, and keep up with the times, paving the way for future innovation and success.

Advantages of PaaS

Disadvantages of PaaS

When to Use PaaS

PaaS is ideal when developers prioritize cost-effectiveness and efficiency in creating unique applications. By unloading tasks like software updates and security patches, PaaS enables developers to focus on the creative aspects of app development, such as designing, testing, and deploying. Use PaaS when you want to streamline development, reduce time spent on maintenance, and maximize focus on innovation.

Advantages of SaaS

Disadvantages of SaaS

When to Use PaaS

SaaS Platform are ideal when you want applications to work smoothly without needing much effort from you. It’s great for businesses that want quick access to tools like email, project management, or customer relationship management (CRM) software.

What does IAAS, PAAS and SAAS Stand For?

IaaS Stands for Infrastructure as a Service, PaaS Stands for Platform as a Service and SaaS Stands for Software as a Service.

Is Netflix a SaaS?

Yes, Netflix is a SaaS Company.

What is XaaS?

XaaS (Everything as a Service or Anything as a Service) is a concept where various services are delivered over the internet, providing users with access to a wide range of resources and functionalities without the need for on-premises infrastructure.

Is EC2 IaaS or PaaS?

AWS Elastic Compute Service or EC2 is IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service).

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