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Difference Between Greedy Knapsack and 0/1 Knapsack Algorithms

The 0/1 Knapsack algorithm is a dynamic programming approach where items are either completely included or not at all. It considers all combinations to find the maximum total value. On the other hand, the Greedy Knapsack algorithm, also known as the Fractional Knapsack, allows for items to be broken into fractions, selecting items with the highest value-to-weight ratio first. However, this approach may not provide the optimal solution for the 0/1 Knapsack problem.

Greedy Knapsack Algorithm:

The greedy knapsack is an algorithm for making decisions that have to make a locally optimal choice at each stage in the hope that this will eventually lead to the best overall decision. In other words, it chooses items that have high value-to-weight ratios by iteratively selecting them based on increasing cost-benefit ratio whereby those items whose price can be paid less per unit utility derived from them are always preferred over others. Therefore, at any point in time, it just picks the item with a higher value/weight ratio without considering future consequences.

Steps of the Greedy Knapsack Algorithm:


Suppose we have a knapsack with a capacity of 50 units and the following items with their respective values and weights:

Item 1: Value = 60, Weight = 10
Item 2: Value = 100, Weight = 20
Item 3: Value = 120, Weight = 30

Using the greedy approach, we sort the items based on their value-to-weight ratio:

Item 3 (120/30 = 4)
Item 2 (100/20 = 5)
Item 1 (60/10 = 6)

Now, starting with the highest ratio, we add items to the knapsack until its capacity is reached:

Knapsack: Item 3 (Value: 120, Weight: 30) + Item 2 (Value: 100, Weight: 20)
Total Value: 220

0/1 Knapsack Algorithm:

An alternative approach of the dynamic programming is taken by the 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm unlike that which is greedy. This is why it was named “0/1” since it completely takes or leaves each item which is a binary decision. The algorithm guarantees an overall optimal but can become very expensive for large number of problem sizes.

Steps of the 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm:


Suppose we have a knapsack with a capacity of 5 units and the following items with their respective values and weights:

Item 1: Value = 6, Weight = 1
Item 2: Value = 10, Weight = 2
Item 3: Value = 12, Weight = 3

We construct a dynamic programming table to find the optimal solution:

0/1 Knapsack

Finally, we find that the optimal solution is to include Item 2 and Item 3:

Knapsack: Item 2 (Value: 10, Weight: 2) + Item 3 (Value: 12, Weight: 3)
Total Value: 22

Difference between Greedy Knapsack and 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm:


Greedy Knapsack

0/1 Knapsack


Greedy strategy, locally optimal choices

Dynamic programming, considers all options

Decision Making

Based on value-to-weight ratio

Considers all possible combinations


O(n log n) – Sorting

O(nW) – Where n is the number of items, W is the capacity

Optimal Solution

Not always optimal

Always optimal

Item Inclusion

May include fractions of items

Items are either fully included or excluded

Memory Usage

Requires less memory

Requires more memory due to DP table

Algorithm Type


Dynamic Programming


Requires sorting based on certain criteria

No sorting required


Faster due to greedy selection

Slower due to exhaustive search

Use Cases

Quick approximation, large datasets

Small datasets, guaranteed optimality


To sum up, both greedy knapsack and 0/1 knapsack algorithms have different trade offs between optimality and efficiency. Fast solutions may come from greedy knapsack but such solutions are not optimal in some cases whereas 0/1 knap sack guarantee that at the cost of high computational complexity. This understanding will form a basis upon which to select an appropriate algorithm for a given knapsack problem.

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