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Difference between Brake and Break

Brake” and “break” are homophones, which means they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Understanding the difference between these words is important for proper grammar usage. Let us know further in this article.

Brake vs Break

Meaning for Brake

A brake is a device used to slow down or stop the motion of a vehicle or a machine. It is typically used to control the speed or bring something to a halt. In grammar usage, the word “Brake” is primarily used as a noun or a verb. As a verb, it means to slow down or stop the moving vehicle with the help of its brakes.


Meaning for Break

Break means to cause something to separate into pieces, either hitting it or dropping it. “Break” has multiple meanings and can be used as a noun or a verb. Here are a few common uses:

In grammar usage break” is versatile and can function as a noun, verb, or even a phrasal verb.


Tabular Difference between Brake and Break

Aspects of Differentiation




A device used to slow down or stop motion

To separate into pieces or fragments; to pause or interrupt

Grammar Usage

Noun or Verb

Noun or Verb (also phrasal verb)


The car’s brake system needs maintenance.

Be careful not to break the glass.

He pressed the brake pedal to stop the car.

I need a break from work.

The truck driver applied the brakes suddenly.

She broke her leg while skiing.

Physical Function

Controls the speed or stops the motion of a vehicle or machine

Causes separation or damage to an object or continuity


Refers to a specific mechanical or operational component

Used in various contexts and scenarios

Grammatical Forms

Can be singular or plural: brake/brakes, brake/braking

Different forms: break, breaking, broke

Noun form: brake, brakes

Noun form: break

Verb form: brake, brakes, braking, braked

Verb forms: break, breaks, breaking, broke

Related Words

Brakes, braking, brake pedal

Broken, breaking, broke, break-in, breakthrough, breakable


In conclusion, “Brake” and “Break” are homophones with different meanings, grammar usage, and functions in the English language.

“Brake” refers to a device used to slow down or stop motion, such as in vehicles or machines. It can be used as a noun or a verb, and examples include phrases like “brake system,” “press the brake pedal,” and “apply the brakes.”

On the other hand, “Break” has multiple meanings, including separating into pieces, causing damage, or interrupting an action. It can be used as a noun or a verb, and it also functions as a phrasal verb in certain contexts. Examples include phrases like “break the glass,” “take a break,” “break a leg,” and “break into the house.”

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