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Difference between Alibaba Cloud Log Service and Amazon SimpleDB

1. Alibaba Cloud Log Service :
The Log Service is a complete real-time data logging service that has been developed by Alibaba Group. It is a complete real-time data logging service that supports collection, consumption, shipping, search, and analysis of logs.

2. Amazon SimpleDB :
It is a hosted simple database service by Amazon, with the data stored in the Amazon Cloud. It is Amazon is a web service for running queries on structured data in real-time. This database is written in Erlang by It has the following features – high availability and flexibility, with little or no administrative burden.

Difference between Alibaba Cloud Log Service and Amazon SimpleDB :

S.NO. Alibaba Cloud Log Service Amazon SimpleDB
1. Developed By AlibabaCloud Inc. in 2016. Developed By Amazon in 2007.
2. It is complete real-time data logging service that supports collection, consumption, shipping, search, and analysis of logs. It is hosted simple database service by Amazon, with the data stored in the Amazon Cloud.
3. It offers an ES-Hadoop Connector as a Map/Reduce methods. It does not offer an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methods.
4. It supports 3 replicas. It supports replication methods.
5. Its primary database model is a Search engine. Its primary database model is the Key-value store.
6. It supports SQL query language. It does not support the SQL query language.
7. There is only one partitioning method – Sharding. It does not support partitioning methods.
8. It supports predefined data types such as float or date. It does not support predefined data types such as float or date.
9. Eventual Consistency is used to ensure consistency in a distributed system. Eventual Consistency and Immediate Consistency are used to ensure consistency in a distributed system.

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