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Dieter Rams: 10 Principles of Good Design

What makes good design good? This is a very well-debated question in the field of design, and we can probably pick up the reasons in a design when something has been designed poorly but there have been multiple attempts to figure out an objective way to evaluate a design and check if something has been well designed or not. In the 1970s a German Industrial Designer and former Architect named Dieter Rams who is also considered one of the greatest living designers on the planet came up with 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design, this enables designers to assess if their design is up to the mark or not. In this article, we will discuss the 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design by Dieter Rams.

Dieter Rams: 10 Principles of Good Design

Who is Dieter Rams?

This was the 1970s when a German Industrial Designer and former Architect named Dieter Rams came up with 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design. Dieter Rams was worried about the design industry around him which back then looked like, as he quotes – “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colors, and noises”. This was the reason why he began to question if his own work was positively contributing to design and he asked himself a very simple question – “Is my design good? This is where the 10 Principles of good design were created by Dieter Rams.

The 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design

1. Good design is innovative:

2. Good design Makes a product useful:

3. Good design Is aesthetic:

4. Good design Makes a product understandable:

5. Good design Is unobtrusive:

6. Good design Is honest:

7. Good design Is long-lasting:

8. Good design Is thorough down to the last detail:

9. Good design Is environmentally friendly:

10. Good design Involves as little design as possible:


We can easy relate that there is a strong co0relation between Dieter Rams 10 Principles of good design and minimalism, in fact many designers argue that Dieter Rams was a minimalist and firmly believed that less design is better design. Focusing solely on these commandments, will ensure your design is professional an effective. These Commandments can also be used to test a design subjectively, while different designs may have different criteria, for testing its efficiency these core Commandments remains same for all. Make sure to follow the 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design we discussed in this article in order to come up with a better product design.

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