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Diagram of Mitosis

Diagram of Mitosis represents the process of cell division where a cell replicates its chromosomes and separates them into two identical nuclei. It occurs in all living organisms including aquatic plants and algae and forms two genetically identical daughter cells. The process of mitosis is divided into four main stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis is essential for organisms’ growth and development, repairing damaged tissues and replacing worn-out cells. In this article, we will study mitosis in detail with a well-labeled diagram, its stages, and functions.


Mitosis is the process of cell duplication or reproduction. The term mitosis means “threads”and represents the threadlike appearance of chromosomes during the process of cell division. The process results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. It contrasts with meiosis, another type of cell division that produces gametes (sperm and egg cells) with half the chromosome number for sexual reproduction.

Mitosis succeeds the G2 phase and is followed by cytokinesis where the cytoplasm divides after the separation of the nucleus. It has five phases: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Mitosis forms the basis of sexual reproduction and is important for the growth and development of the embryo.

Diagram of Mitosis

A diagram of Mitosis showing the different stages is as follows:

Stages of Mitosis

During mitosis two identical daughter cell are produced from one cell. It maintains an equal number of chromosome in each daughter cell after division. It consists of five different stages:

Before the cycle of mitosis starts the cell remains in the interphase stage. In interphase the cell prepare itself for the cell division. Duration of the interphase is around 90% of the total cell cycle. During this phase, DNA replicates and the cell grows. Interphase has three further phases:

The stages are described in detail as follows:


It is the first and longest phase of mitosis. It is characterised by the condensation of nuclear genetic material.


It is a transitional phase between prophase and metaphase. The cell prepares for the alignment and separation of chromosomes.


The term metaphase is a Ancient Greek word where meta means ” beyond, above, transcending” and phásis means appearance. Th stage is characterised by chromosomes become aligned at the metaphase plate or equatorial plane of the cell.


The term anaphase is derived from ancient Greek word ‘ana’ meaning “back or backward” and phásis means appearance. Anaphase is characterised by chromosome separating or moving towards opposite poles of the cell.


The term is telophase is derived from Ancient Greek word telos meaning ” end, result or completion” and phásis means appearance. In this phase the chromosome have arrived at the opposite poles and nuclear envelope reforms.

Functions of Mitosis

Functions of mitosis includes:

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FAQs on Mitosis

1. Define Mitosis.

Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in the production of two genetically identical daughter cells. The DNA of the cell’s nucleus is split into two equal sets of chromosomes.

2. Why is Mitosis Called Equational Division?

Mitosis is called equational division as it results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells with the same chromosome number as present in the parent cell. It ensure maintaining genetic stability.

3. What Happens in Metaphase?

Metaphase is the second stage of mitosis in which the chromosome align itself on the metaphase plate in the centre of the eukaryotic cell. They start to separate into individual chromatids and move towards opposite poles.

4. What is the Primary Function of Mitosis?

The primary function of mitosis includes growth and development of the cells. It repairs the cell during injury and replace the old cells of the body. It also plays an important role in the regeneration of the damaged tissues or cells.

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