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Diagram of Mammary Glands

The diagram of mammary gland illustrates various parts of the external and internal structures of the organ. The presence of mammary glands is a unique characteristic of the members of the Mammalia class. The diagram of mammary gland class 12 is an important topic in the chapter female reproductive system.

The well-labeled diagram of mammary gland is given below:

Diagram of Mammary Gland

What is the Structure of the Mammary Gland?

The diagram of mammary gland shows its location in the chest region, above the rib cage supported by the pectoral muscles and has the following parts:

Nipple and Areola

The nipple is the protruding part at the centre of the breast, and it is where the milk oozes out during breastfeeding. The nipple is surrounded by a tissue called the areola. It is a pigmented area that contains sebaceous glands and Montgomery’s glands. They are responsible for the secretion of oil and lubricants that protect the skin during breastfeeding.

Mammary Lobes and Lobules

The mammary gland is composed of mammary lobes further subdivided into smaller structures known as lobules. These smaller lobules contain clusters of alveoli or sacs of thin layers and are called the milk-producing units of the gland.


The alveoli in the lobules are the functional units that are responsible for the synthesis of milk. These small, sac-like structures are lined or layered with specialized epithelial cells that secrete milk components, including proteins, lipids, sugars and other minerals.

Lactiferous Ducts and Ampula

Milk synthesized in the alveoli and collected in the mammary lobes and lobules is transported through a network of ducts (lactiferious ducts) that converge at the nipple. They undergo branching and widening (ampula) as they extend from the alveoli to the nipple and carry milk from the alveoli to the nipples, thus forming a complex system of milk-carrying channels. The tissue is surrounded by blood vessels and is supported by fat cells pectoral muscles.

What is the Function of Mammary Gland?

The various functions of mammary glands are given below:

Conclusion – Diagram of Mammary Glands

In conclusion, the mammary gland have this amazing ability to care for and support their young. Breastfeeding is crucial for supporting both mother and newborn health because of its complex architecture and range of functions. Understanding the workings of the mammary gland helps us to appreciate the biological wonders that enable the miracle of life. The mammary gland diagram helps students learn about the process of lactation and overall female reproductive better.

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FAQs on Diagram of Mammary Glands

Describe the Internal and External Structure of a Mammary Gland?

The internal structure of a mammary gland consists of lobules, alveoli, and ducts, while the external structure includes the nipple and areola.

What are the 5 Major Components of the Mammary Glands?

The five major components of mammary glands are lobules, alveoli, ducts, adipose tissue, and connective tissue.

Which is the Hormone Responsible for Secretion of Milk?

Prolactin is the hormone that is responsible for the secretion of milk by the alveolar cells. The level of this hormone increases significantly during pregnancy which also stimulate the development of mammary glands.

How does Adipose Tissue Function Within the Mammary Gland?

The mammary gland is enveloped and supported by adipose tissue or the fat cells, which functions as insulation and and provides protection. AT the time of lactation, fat cells also store of energy for the production of milk in the alveoli.

Where can I FInd the Simple Diagram of Mammary Gland?

You can find the diagram at the top of this article.

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