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Diagram of Female Reproductive System

The diagram of the female reproductive system shows the primary as well as accessory sex organs. The primary sex organs in females are a pair of ovaries, which produce ova or egg. The accessory sex organs include the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. The diagram of female reproductive system with labeling helps students understand its structure clearly. In this article, we will learn about the diagram of female reproductive system in humans and its anatomy in brief.

Diagram of Female Reproductive System

The diagram of female reproductive system is given below:

Female Reproductive System

What is Female Reproductive System?

The female reproductive organs are made up of the internal and external genitalia. The internal genitalia refers to the organs that are situated inside the actual pelvis. These include the vagina, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes (oviducts or fallopian tubes), and ovaries. The external genitalia lie outside the true pelvis. These include the perineum, mons pubis, clitoris, urethral (urinary) meatus, labia majora and minora, vestibule, greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands, skene glands, and periurethral area.

Anatomy of Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system is crucial for reproduction and hormone balance. It produces egg cells needed for conception and supports fertilization in the Fallopian tubes. This system includes various components like ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, and vagina. The external female reproductive organs include the labia minora, labia majora, and clitoris. All these parts work together to support ovulation, fertilization, and pregnancy while regulating important hormones for overall bodily function.


The characteristics of ovaries are as follows:


The strcuture and function of uterus are as follows:

Fallopian Tubes

The characteristics of fallopian tube are as follows:


Vagina has the following features:

Conclusion – Diagram of Female Reproductive System

The diagram of the female reproductive system offers a clear view of its primary and accessory organs. Primary organs like ovaries produce eggs, while accessory ones include the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina. The female reproductive system diagram class 12 helps in understanding its anatomy. It shows how these organs work together, supporting ovulation, fertilization, and pregnancy while regulating hormones for overall bodily function.

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FAQ – Diagram of Female Reproductive System

What are the Three Layers of the Uterus?

The uterus has three layers: Outer serous layer from the peritoneum, Middle myometrium, thickest with smooth muscle fibers, Inner endometrium, or mucus layer, undergoes menstrual cycle changes.

What is the Cervix?

The cervix is the lower constricted part of the uterus consisting of two portions. The upper portion connects with the body of the uterus, while the lower vaginal portion extends into the anterior wall of the vagina. Together with the vagina, the cervical canal forms the birth canal.

What are the Functions of the Ovary?

The female ovaries serve dual functions: endocrine and gametogenic. The endocrine role involves secreting female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Meanwhile, the gametogenic function entails producing and releasing eggs (ova) for reproduction.

What is the Structure of Female Reproductive Part?

A female’s internal reproductive organs consist of the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The vagina, a muscular, hollow tube, extends from the vaginal opening to the uterus.

What are the Five Main Parts of the Female Reproductive System?

The five main parts of female reproductive system includes organs such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and vagina.

What is the Order of Female Reproductive System Structures?

The female reproductive organs are categorized into internal and external genitalia. The internal genitalia are situated within the true pelvis and comprise the vagina, uterus, cervix, uterine tubes (oviducts or fallopian tubes), and ovaries.

What are the 7 Functions of the Female Reproductive System?

Its functions encompass producing gametes called eggs, secreting sex hormones (such as estrogen), providing a site for fertilization, gestating a fetus if fertilization occurs, giving birth to a baby, and breastfeeding after birth. The only element not mentioned is sperm.

What is Female Reproductive System Diagram Class 12?

The female reproductive system diagram for Class 12 illustrates the anatomy and structure of the female reproductive organs, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, and external genitalia. It helps students understand the arrangement and function of these organs in the process of reproduction.

Where can I Find Diagram of Female Reproductive System Class 10?

You can go to the top of the article and get a well-labeled diagram of female reproductive diagram.

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