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DFD for Spell Checking and Correcting in Word Processor

Word processing simply means the process in which a document is created or edited using a word processor. Word processor is actually a software or a device with the help of which a document can be edited, created, or printed. Nowadays, a various word processor is available like Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, Google Docs, etc. It’s generally responsible for providing input, editing, formatting, the output of a document, or text with some additional features. Spell check is a software program in word processing that first checks the spelling of a word, identifies if there is an error in spelling and if the word is found misspelled then this spell check program corrects the spelling in the word processor.

DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is used to describe this spell checking and correcting function in the word processor. It is usually explained with the help of different levels of DFD i.e., Level 0 DFD and Level 1 DFD. The working at these levels is shown below:

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