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Detect Mutation using Python

Prerequisite: Random Numbers in Python

The following article depicts how Python can be used to detect a mutated DNA strand. 

Functions Used

  1. generateDNASequence(): This method generates a random DNA strand of length 40 characters using the list of DNA bases A,C,G,T. This method returns the generated DNA strand.
  2. applyGammaRadiation(): This method takes the DNA strand generated by the above method as input parameter and then alters the strand at a random position only if the probability of mutation, which is also generated randomly is above 50%. The DNA base at the chosen position must be different from the DNA base with which it is replaced. This method returns the altered DNA strand.
  3. detectMutation(): This method takes the original and altered DNA strand as input and checks if the two strings are altered. If the strings are altered it returns the position of the altered DNA base

Getting Started

The following steps are followed in order to achieve our required functionality:

Below is the Implementation.

# import random library
import random
# function to generate dna strands
def generateDNASequence():
    # list of available DNA bases
    l = ['C', 'A', 'G', 'T']
    res = ""
    for i in range(0, 40):
        # creating the DNA strand by appending 
        # random characters from the list
        res = res + random.choice(l)
    return res
# function to alter dna strands
def applyGammaRadiation(dna):
    # possibility of mutation is generated randomly
    pos = random.randint(1, 100)
    cdna = ''
    # list of available DNA bases
    l = ['C', 'A', 'G', 'T']
    # if the possibility of mutation generated randomly
    # is >50 then mutation happens
    if(pos > 50):
        # the position where mutation will take place
        # is chosen randomly
        changepos = random.randint(0, 39)
        dl = []
        # the characters in DNA strand is converted to list
        dl[:0] = dna
        # the character at the determined mutation position 
        # is fetched.
        ch = "" + dl[changepos]
        # since the fetched character should be different from 
        # the one replacing it we remove the fetched character
        # from the list of available choices for choosing another
        # character in its place
        # the new character or DNA base is chosen from the list
        ms = random.choice(l)
        cl = []
        # DNA strand characters are again appended to a new list
        cl[:0] = dna
        # the new base in the mutated position is set
        cl[changepos] = ms
        # the characters in the cl list is converted to string again
        # this is the new mutated DNA string
        cdna = ''.join([str(e) for e in cl])
    # if possibility of mutation is less than 50% then no 
    # mutation happens
        # if no mutation occurs original dna is same as mutated dna
        cdna = dna
    return cdna
# function to detect mutation
def detectMutation(dna, cdna):
    count = 0
    # x and y take each character in dna and cdna
    # for character by character comparison
    for x, y in zip(dna, cdna):
        # if the character at the same index match
        # then the count is increased
        if x == y:
            count = count + 1
        # incase of mismatch the loop is broken
    # the count value points to the index before the 
    # position of mutation
    return count
dna = generateDNASequence()
print(dna+" (Original DNA)")
cdna = applyGammaRadiation(dna)
print(cdna+" (DNA after radiation)")
count = detectMutation(dna, cdna)
# if count=40 it means all the characters of the 2 strands match
# hence no mutation
if count == 40:
    print("No Mutation detected")
# if count is less than 40
# it means mutation has occurred
    # ^ denotes the position of mutation
    pos = "^"
    print("Mutation detected at pos = ", (count+1))



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