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Designing Online Code Editor | System Design

Online code editors are now a crucial part of modern software development. They allow collaboration, real-time coding, and the ability to access development tools from anywhere in the world. In this article, we’ll explore how to design a system to create a useful and scalable online code editor.

1. Requirements for Online Code Editor System Design

Functional Requirements for Online Code Editor System Design

Non-Functional Requirements for Online Code Editor System Design

2. Capacity Estimations for Online Code Editor System Design

You can estimate the system capacity by analyzing certain data like traffic, number of user coming on site. Here is the simplified calculation given:

Traffic is 100,000 vistors per month
Traffic per Second = 100,000 / (30 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds) ≈ 0.038 visitors/second
Assumption – Each submission take 5 sec to execute
Submission Rate per Second = 1 / 5 seconds per submission ≈ 0.2 submissions/second
Execution per Second = Submission Rate per Second * Execution Time per Submission
≈ 0.2 submissions/second * 5 seconds per submission
1 execution/second

3. Usecase Diagram for Online Code Editor System design

The usecase diagram of online code editor is illustrated below:

4. Low-Level Design (LLD) for Online Code Editor System Design

In the Low-Level Design (LLD) diagram of an Online Code Editor, the interplay described below involves the communication flow between the browser, backend server, and different relevant component throughout the execution of a code challenge. The breakdown of every step of the flow and every interaction is described below:

5. High-Level Design (HLD) of Online Code Editor

In the High-Level Design (HLD) diagram of the Online Code Editor, the interactions you have described involve a couple of components and services running collectively to facilitate various functionalities, including of analyzing problem, submitting checking, checking the leaderboard, and dealing with code execution. Whole flow of Hld diagram of online code editor is described below:

6. Database Design of Online Code Editor System Design

Database Design for Online Code Editor:

6.1. User Table

User Table store user data. It includes fields like:

6.2. Code File Table

It store all the data of Code File which are created by user during code execution. It include fields like:

6.3. Version Control Table

The Version Control Table manages versions of code files, keeps all the record of changes. It include fields like:

6.4. Comment Table

The Comment Table are used to stores comments made by users on particular code files. It include fields like:

7. Microservices and APIs used in Online Code Editor

The Microservices and APIs used within the Online Code Editor system play a pivotal position in allowing modular, scalable, and efficient functionality. Let’s delve into the info of each microservice:

7.1. Authentication Microservice

This microservice is responsible for handling user authentication process. It exposes the following APIs:

Additionally, the Authentication Microservice makes use of External APIs for third-party authentication, permitting user to log in using external account credentials, enhancing user comfort and security.

7.2. Version Control Microservice

This microservice is devoted to dealing with code versioning and history. Its APIs include:

The Version Control Microservice’s APIs are designed to be Git-compatiable, which make sure familiarity and compatibility with broadly used version control practices.

8. API Code Implementation for Online Code Editor System Design

1. Code Submission API (POST):

  "user_id": "user123",
  "file_name": "",
  "code_content": "def hello_world():\n    print('Hello, World!')"

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Code submitted successfully"

2. Code Retrieval API (GET):

GET /api/code/retrieve?user_id=user123&
Accept: application/json

  "status": "success",
  "file_content": "def hello_world():\n    print('Hello, World!')",
  "last_modified": "2023-12-21T14:45:30Z"

3. Update Code Version Status API (PUT):

  "user_id": "user123",
  "file_name": "",
  "version_id": "v1",
  "new_status": "final"

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Version status updated successfully"

9. Scalability for Online Code Editor System Design

9.1. Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling includes adding more servers or times to distribute the workload efficiently.

9.2. Load Balancing

Load balancing mechanisms are applied to evenly distribute incoming requests throughout a couple of servers.

9.3. Containerization

Containerization technologies, such as Docker, make contributions to scalability with the aid of encapsulating application component into containers.

9.4. Microservices Architecture

Microservices extensively make a contribution to scalability by means of allowing individual component to scale independently.

9.5. Database Sharding

Database sharding includes horizontally partitioning data throughout a couple of database servers.

10. Conclusion

Designing an online code editor involves addressing various demanding situations, from actual-time collaboration to code execution security. By following a modular and scalable structure, making use of modern-day technologies, and prioritizing security features, you could create a strong system that meets the need of developers in a collaborative and dynamic development environment.

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