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DecimalStyle equals() method in Java with Example

The equals() method of java.time.format.DecimalStyle class in Java is used to check for equality of this DecimalStyle with the specified DecimalStyle. This method takes a DecimalStyle instance and compares it with this DecimalStyle and returns a boolean value representing the same.


public boolean equals(Object obj)

Parameter: This method accepts a parameter obj which is the DecimalStyle to be checked for equality with this DecimalStyle.

Return Value: This method returns an boolean which tells if this DecimalStyle is equal to the specified Object.

Exception: This method do not throw any Exception.


// Java program to demonstrate
// the above method
import java.time.format.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DecimalStyleDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        DecimalStyle ds1
            = DecimalStyle.STANDARD;
        DecimalStyle ds2
            = DecimalStyle.of(
                new Locale("ENGLISH"));
        DecimalStyle ds3 = null;
        System.out.println("Comparing DS 1 and DS 2: "
                           + ds1.equals(ds2));
        System.out.println("Comparing DS 2 and DS 3: "
                           + ds2.equals(ds3));
        System.out.println("Comparing DS 1 and DS 3: "
                           + ds1.equals(ds3));

Comparing DS 1 and DS 2: true
Comparing DS 2 and DS 3: false
Comparing DS 1 and DS 3: false


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