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Dassault Systemes Interview experience R&D Associate Engineer (On-Campus)


Dassault Systemes’ visited my campus on August 2023. They had 3 rounds.

In this article, I’ll share my insights into the preparation process and the rounds of interviews.

Round 1 – Offline MCQ Test(On college campus):

This initial round was an MCQ test. With 60 questions in total, focusing on quantitative aptitude, geometry, algebra, and logical reasoning, the challenge was to solve them within the time constraints. They had two sections one of 40 questions to be solved in 20 minutes and the other was of 20 questions to be solved in 30 mins. The negative marking added an extra layer of complexity. I managed to solve 48 questions confidently.

If you prepare quantitative aptitude well, you can easily ace the first round.

Round 2 – Technical In-Person Interview:

In the technical interview, I was asked questions related to :

C++ Concepts: Differences between pointers and references, memory allocation for data structures, and the functioning of vectors.

Operating Systems: Questions about paging, page tables, and the overall functioning of operating systems tested my knowledge.

Object-Oriented Programming: The four pillars of OOP were discussed, and I provided real-life examples for each.

Coding Logic: I was asked to explain method overriding and method overloading syntax.

Puzzle Solving: Puzzles formed a significant part of the interview, emphasizing the importance of practicing diverse puzzles from sources like GFG’s top 20 puzzles.

Here is the link for the top 20 GeeksForGeeks puzzles:

For more puzzles, you can refer GeeksForGeeks top 100 puzzles. Link:

Mathematics: Basic geometry questions, the distance between two points, scalar, and vector quantities, and velocity-related queries were also part of the interview.

Round 3- HR Interview

HR Questions: This round was held on the same day. My aspirations, preferences for a dream company, and a hypothetical scenario about choosing between a good package and an aligned job role were discussed. This is an optional round, for few candidates they club this round with round 2 itself.

Final Verdict:

I was selected by Dassault Systèmes and they extended an offer with a CTC of 7.5 LPA, coupled with a 6-month internship opportunity.

I hope sharing my experience will provide valuable insights to others preparing for interviews at top tech companies like Dassault. Remember, preparation, confidence, and a positive attitude play a vital role in succeeding in technical interviews. Good luck to everyone on their journey, Happy Coding!

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