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Dart – Null Safety

Null Safety in simple words means a variable cannot contain a ‘null’ value unless you initialized with null to that variable. With null safety, all the runtime null-dereference errors will now be shown in compile time.

String name = null ; // This means the variable name has a null value.

Example :

class Car {
String carName = "Aston Martin";
void main() {
  Car cars;


In the above dart code, we have created a class and inside it, we have initialized a variable named carName In the main()  function we have declared a variable type of car ie, cars. But when we run the above code, an error occurs. 


Error: Non-nullable variable 'cars' must be assigned before it can be used.

 In the above code, the object was not initialized. To solve this problem we have to do : 

class Car {
String carName = "Aston Martin";
void main() {
  Car cars = new Car();



Aston Martin

In the above simple code it is easy to identify which variable is not initialized, but in a huge codebase it might be very difficult and time-consuming to identify such errors. This issue is solved by null safety.

Null Safety Principle

Non-Nullable Types

When we use null safety, all the types are non-nullable by default. For example, when we declare a variable of type int, the variable will contain some integer value.  

void main() {
  int marks;
  // The value of type `null` cannot be
  // assigned to a variable of type 'int'
  marks = null;

Non-nullable variables must always be initialized with non-null values.

Nullable Types

To specify if the variable can be null, then you can use the nullable type  operator, Lets see an example:

String? carName;  // initialized to null by default
int? marks = 36;  // initialized to non-null
marks = null; // can be re-assigned to null

Note: You don’t need to initialize a nullable variable before using it. It is initialized to null by default.

The Assertion Operator (!)

Use the null assertion operator ( ! ) to make Dart treat a nullable expression as non-nullable if you’re certain it isn’t null.


int? someValue = 30;
int data = someValue!; // This is valid as value is non-nullable

In the above example, we are telling Dart that the variable  is null, and it is safe to assign it to a non-nullable variable i.e. 

Type Promotion 

Dart’s analyzer, which tells you what compile-time errors and warnings, is intelligent enough to determine whether a nullable variable is guaranteed to have values that are not null. Dart uses Flow Analysis at runtime for type promotion (flow analysis is a mechanism that determines the control flow of a program).


int checkValue(int? someValue) {
  if (someValue == null) {
    return 0;
  // At this point the value is not null.
  return someValue.abs();
void main(){


In the above code, if statement checks if the value is null or not.  After the if statement value cannot be null and is treated ( promoted) as a non-nullable value. This allows us to safely use  instead of  (with the null-aware operator). Here  function will return an absolute value. 

Late Keyword

As we knew that all variables are non-null by default, we can use either the ? operator or the late keyword. 


String? carName;       // using ? operator
late String bikeName;  // using "late" keyword


 Benefits of Null Safety :

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