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How to Create Custom Banners in Spring Boot?

Custom banners in Spring Boot allow us to add a creative touch to the startup of our Spring Boot application. By default, Spring Boot displays a simple banner on the console when the application starts. We can also replace this with a custom banner.

To create a custom banner in Spring Boot, we can simply add a text file named "banner.txt" in the "src/main/resources" directory of our project. This file should contain the ASCII art or text that we want to display as the banner. The banner file is located in the root directory of the "resources" directory.

Step-by-step Implementation to Create Custom Banner in Spring Boot

Below are the steps to create a custom banner in Spring Boot using a "banner.txt" file.

Step 1: Create a Java project with Maven

The very initial step is to create a simple Java Maven project using Spring Tool Suite IDE (STS). Go to File > New > Spring Starter Project > Select Create a simple project. Now give the name of the project in the project name field using the wizard window given below.

Project Metadata

In the above image we can see the Group and Artifact field. Group refers the package name where as Artifact refers the project name.

Project Structure:

After successful creation of project we can see the below folder structure:

Folder Structure

Step 2: Add Spring Dependency

In the second step, let us add the following Spring Dependencies in the pom.xml file.

// Here automatically given dependencies when we are creating new project.
// There is no need added extra dependencies
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>




Step 3: Create a banner.txt file

After creating all the project configuration, now let us create the src/main/resources under the project.

We can see the below image created "banner.txt" file:

banner.txt file

Step 4: Now click on banner.txt file

Now we can write text or ASCII spring Generator we can generate text online ASCII art generate also.

Inside the banner.txt file

Step 5: Running the program

When we finish all the source file configurations and the last step is compile and run the program.


Custom banner for Spring Boot

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