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CSS brightness() Function

The brightness() function is an inbuilt function which is used to apply a filter to set the brightness of the image. This function uses the linear multiplier to the image to increase or decrease brightness. 


brightness( amount )

Parameters: This function accepts single parameter amount which holds the amount of brightness. The value of brightness is set in terms of number and percentage. The value 0% represents completely black image and 100% represents the original image. 

Below example illustrates the brightness() function in CSS: 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <title>CSS brightness() Function</title
        h1 {
        body {
        .brightness_effect {
            filter: brightness(10%);
    <h2>CSS brightness() function</h2>
    <img class="brightness_effect" src
        alt="GeeksforGeeks logo"



Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by brightness() function are listed below:

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