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Crossword Puzzle Of The Week #36 (For Advance Data Structure)

In this issue of Crossword Puzzle of the Week, we will dive into the topic of Advance data structure. The solution to the crossword puzzle is provided at the end.

Crossword Puzzle #36



1. A ______ is a data structure that is useful when the maximum value of the set is known, and the set contains only a small subset of the maximum value range.
2. The ______trees are the N-ary trees which have Many children at every node.
4. ________ is a self-adjusting binary search tree data structure, which means that the tree structure is adjusted dynamically based on the accessed or inserted elements.
6. A Trie data structure can be used for________based searching whereas a Hash table can’t be used in the same way.
8. A ________ data structure is defined as one that keeps track of a set of elements partitioned into a number of disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets.


1. A ________is a data structure that stores information about a range of elements in its nodes.
3. ———– searching is an application of Trie data structure.
5. An ______defined as a self-balancing Binary Search Tree (BST) where the difference between heights of left and right subtrees for any node cannot be more than one.
7. In ———-Representation, the next pointer of the node will contain the XOR of address of Previous and next node.
9.A ______ data structure is used for storing and retrieval of data and the same operations could be done using another data structure which is Hash Table.

Solution for Crossword Puzzle #36:

Crossword Puzzle #36 Solution



1. Segment Tree
3. Pattern
5. AVL Tree
7. XOR List


1. Sparse Set
2. Generic
4. Splay Tree
6. Prefix
8. Disjoint Set

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