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Countries that Start with “Y”

There aren’t many countries that start with the letter “Y“, but each one has something special to offer. From the lively culture of Yemen to the stunning scenery of Yugoslavia, these nations give us a glimpse into diverse experiences and viewpoints. Let’s explore these fascinating countries that start with “Y.”

Here are the countries that start with the letter “Y” represented in a table format:

Country Capital Population (2022 est.) Area (sq km) Official Language(s)
Yemen Sana’a 32.9 million 527,968 Arabic

Here are the countries that start with the letter “Y” represented in a table format:

Yemen: The Land of the Queen of Sheba

FAQs about Countries that Start with “Y”

Which countries start with the letter “Y”?

There is only one country that starts with the letter “Y”: Yemen.

What is Yemen known for?

Yemen is known for its rich cultural heritage, ancient history, and stunning natural beauty. It’s home to UNESCO World Heritage sites, vibrant markets, and traditional architecture.

What is the capital of Yemen?

The capital city of Yemen is Sana’a, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

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