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Convert Row Names into Column of DataFrame in R

In this article, we will discuss how to Convert Row Names into Columns of Dataframe in R Programming Language. 

Method 1: Using row.names() function is used to set and get the name of the DataFrame. Apply the function to the copy of the DataFrame and a name to the column which contains the name of the column with the help of the $ sign.




# DataFrame is created with the
# help of data.frame function
data <- data.frame(x1 = (10:15),  
                   x2 = (15:10))
# print the DataFrame
# make copy of DataFrame
copydata <- data      
# apply function to get
# the name of the row
copydata$rn <- row.names(data)  
# print the result


Method 2: Using dplyr

In the R language there’s a package named dplyr which performs several DataFrame tasks. So, we are going to add a row name into a column of a DataFrame with the help of this package. At first, we are going to install and load the dplyr package. After loading the package we follow the same steps we followed in the first method but this time with the help of the function of dplyr library. The function used in this method is rownames_to_columns(). 


tibble::rownames_to_column(data_frame, column_name)


# DataFrame is created with the
# help of data.frame function
data <- data.frame(x1 = (10:15),  
                   x2 = (15:10))
# load the package
# make the copy of the data frame
copydata <- data  
# Apply rownames_to_column on the copy of
# DataFrame and put name of function rn
copydata <- tibble::rownames_to_column(copydata, "rn")
# print the copied DataFrame


Method 3: Using data.table

In the R language there’s a package named data.table which performs several DataFrame tasks. So, we are going to add a row name into a column of a DataFrame with the help of this package. At first, we are going to install and load the data.table package. After loading the package we follow the same steps we followed in the first method but this time with the help of the function of data.table library. The function used in this method is setDT(). 


setDT(x, keep.rownames=TRUE/FALSE, key=NULL, check.names=TRUE/FALSE)

While using this syntax we keep the row name true to get the name of the row.


# DataFrame is created with the help
# of data.frame function
data <- data.frame(x1 = (10:15),  
                   x2 = (15:10))
# print the DataFrame
# load the library
# make copy of dataframe
copydata <- data         
# Apply setDT function with rowname true
# to get the rowname
copydata <- setDT(data, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]         
# print the data


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